E-ISSN: 3025-8162 | P-ISSN: 3025-8170
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It is impossible to answer this question. The procedure from submission to publication is explained in the Author Guidelines, which may give you an idea. For some of the steps the duration is unpredictable, for some of them it depends on you, and finally, Jurnal Pendidikan Penggerak is a very highly demanded journal with a long publishing queue.
2024 Journal Impact Factor is 0.2.
Articles are rejected from 20% of similarity and more than 100 words from one source.
To submit your article in OJS, follow these steps:
You can check the status of your submission by logging into your account on the OJS website. Navigate to your dashboard, where you will see the list of your submissions along with their current status (e.g., under review, revisions required, accepted, etc.).
The guidelines for formatting your manuscript are detailed in the Author Guidelines. Make sure to follow these guidelines closely to avoid delays in the review process.