The "Journal TIHER : Journal of Technology, Islamic Higher Education, and Research" is committed to fostering scholarly inquiry and promoting dialogue at the intersection of technology, Islamic higher education, and research. Our focus and scope encompass a wide range of topics that explore the synergies, challenges, and opportunities arising from the integration of technology in educational contexts.

  1. Islamic Higher Education and Curriculum Development: Researching strategies for curriculum development aligned with Islamic educational principles in higher education institutions, including the integration of religious values into academic programs.

  2. Leadership Development in Education: Studying best practices and strategies for developing effective leadership in Islamic educational institutions, including a deep understanding of Islamic values in a management context.

  3. Research in Islamic Studies: Highlighting various aspects of research in Islamic studies, including Quranic studies, Hadith, Islamic history, philosophy, and theology, as well as applying appropriate research methodologies.

  4. Professionalism Development in Higher Education: Studying initiatives and professional development programs for faculty and staff in higher education institutions, focusing on improving teaching and research quality.

  5. Advancements in Technology and Higher Education: Investigating the impact of technological advancements on Islamic higher education, including technology adoption in teaching, academic administration, and student support services.

  6. Career Development and Student Well-being: Studying strategies and programs that enhance career development, well-being, and quality of life for students in higher education institutions.

  7. Innovation and Best Practices in Higher Education: Presenting educational innovations and best practices that can be adopted by higher education institutions to enhance effectiveness and relevance of education.

  8. Ethics and Social Responsibility in Education: Researching ethical issues and social responsibility in the context of higher education, including social justice, diversity, and community empowerment.