Effects of Family Conflicts on Children's Personalities

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Expecting good children can only be achieved through a harmonious family, but expecting to have good children is very difficult in a family that is constantly plagued with conflicts of various kinds. It is the first educational institution for children. There is evidence that unharmonious family relationships, especially between husbands and wives, adversely affect children's growth and personality development. Unless these efforts find effective solutions, it is feared that Muslims will not be able to realize their personalities in their lives. You must educate and teach children age-appropriate and practical worship. Within the home, children cannot be expected to serve as members of society. This study aims to predict how conflicts within the family affect a child's personality development. The method used is descriptive analysis and the data collection technology uses library research technology with a review system of a set of written sources within the library. As a result, it was found that conflicts within the family have a very large impact on the growth and development of a child's personality. A family that is not in harmony with itself cannot give its children the best advice and education. A child's personality in conflicted families influences the child's behavioral development, the child's intellectual development, and the child's religious development. As economic factors, early marriage and illness are the dominant factors causing family conflict, the younger generation is expected to prioritize economic maturity and pay attention to premarital age to avoid family conflict increase.

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How to Cite
Fauziah. (2022). Effects of Family Conflicts on Children’s Personalities. International Journal Education and Computer Studies (IJECS), 2(2), 61–68. https://doi.org/10.35870/ijecs.v2i2.793
Author Biography

Fauziah, Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh

Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah, Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh, Aceh Province, Indonesia


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