Persepsi Masyarakat Aceh Timur Terhadap Pemekaran Wilayah Kabupaten Baru Bandar Khalifah di Aceh Timur

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Abdul Aziz


This study aims to determine: Public perception of the discourse on the expansion of the new district of Bandar Khalifah in East Aceh. This research is a type of descriptive research. The population in this study is the people of East Aceh, while the sample in this study is an object/subject that has certain attributes determined by the researcher and then conclusions are drawn. Method. Data analysis used is validity test, reliability test, t-One sample test. The results of the study show that: the results of the calculations in the one sample test table can be seen that the t value (count) is 52,719. The value of df (degrees of freedom) or degrees of freedom is 0.000. Thus the alternative hypothesis (Ha) which states that the community has a good perception of the expansion of the new district of Bandar Khalifah in East Aceh is "accepted".


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How to Cite
Aziz, A., & Muliana. (2022). Persepsi Masyarakat Aceh Timur Terhadap Pemekaran Wilayah Kabupaten Baru Bandar Khalifah di Aceh Timur. Jurnal EMT KITA, 6(2), 191–196.
Author Biographies

Abdul Aziz, Akademi Keuangan Perbankan Nusantara

Fakultas Ekonomi, Akademi Keuangan Perbankan Nusantara, Kabupaten Aceh Timur, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia

Muliana, Universitas Serambi Mekkah

Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Kota Banda Aceh, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia


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