VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Based on Asterisk Using Trixbox at SMKN 1 Bangkinang

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Antoni Pribadi


The rapid advancement of informatics technology in the telecommunications sector has remarkably mitigated the challenges of distance and time, rendering them inconsequential in today`s dynamic landscape. Presently, long-distance conversations are effortlessly facilitated through telephone media, predominantly employing the Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN) network technology. However, at SMKN 1 Bangkinang Kota, conventional communication practices persist, leading to inefficiencies, particularly in locating teachers, staff, and employees within the school premises. This search process, whether for determining their whereabouts or utilizing smartphones, often necessitates additional time and may incur expenses related to data quotas or credits. In response to these challenges, the primary objective of this research is to conceptualize and establish a VoIP communication system, strategically designed to alleviate operational expenditures associated with communication. The study is conducted within the framework of an existing internet network established on a local scale, involving the integration of wireless and LAN cable technologies. Notably, two distinct operating systems are evaluated, and their performance is compared to identify the optimal choice for serving as a VoIP server. Through this comparative analysis, the study seeks to determine the most suitable operating system that aligns seamlessly with the project's objectives. Central to the research is the successful deployment of a VoIP server utilizing the available local network infrastructure, a feat achieved through the implementation of the Trixbox Linux server. This innovative approach harnesses the existing network facilities to facilitate cost-free communication, effectively bypassing the need for additional expenses typically associated with conventional communication tools like smartphones and PCs. A notable aspect of the system is the pivotal role played by the VoIP server, particularly the Trixbox variant, in managing Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) calls emanating from the diverse client base registered on the Trixbox server. In summation, this research showcases the transformative potential of VoIP technology within educational institutions such as SMKN 1 Bangkinang Kota. By adopting innovative strategies like deploying the Trixbox Linux server, the study underscores the capability of VoIP to streamline communication processes, optimize resource utilization, and ultimately enhance operational efficiency.

Article Details

How to Cite
Pribadi, A. (2023). VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Based on Asterisk Using Trixbox at SMKN 1 Bangkinang. International Journal Software Engineering and Computer Science (IJSECS), 3(2), 65–70. https://doi.org/10.35870/ijsecs.v3i2.1275
Author Biography

Antoni Pribadi, Politeknik Kampar

Politeknik Kampar, Kampar District, Riau Province, Indonesia


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