Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) 2025-04-01T00:00:00+07:00 Muhammad Wali Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi)</strong>, e-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2580-1643</a>, is a free and open-access journal published by the Lembaga Komunitas Informasi Teknologi Aceh (KITA), Indonesia. <strong>The JTIK Journal</strong> encourages groundbreaking research in data processing, software development, artificial intelligence, algorithm analysis, and the application of information and communication technology across various sectors. In the field of Computer Science, the journal welcomes studies on computational modeling, application development, cyber security, and computer networks. Meanwhile, in the field of Communication Studies, the JTIK Journal emphasizes research on mass communication, social media, human-technological interactions, and the social and cultural implications of information and communication technology. Other pertinent topics include the use of information technology in marketing campaigns, the role of technology in media transformation, and data-driven analysis of consumer behavior.</p> <p> To submit your article to Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi)<strong> </strong>;</p> <ul> <li class="show">You have to <a class="label label-info" href="">Register</a> or <a class="label label-success" href="">Login</a> to submit your or.</li> <li class="show">You can access the manuscript format from the author guidelines.</li> <li class="show">Download <a class="label label-warning" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Template (English)</a>, <a class="label label-warning" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Template (Indonesia)</a></li> </ul> Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pesan Tiket Online Swim Course Medan Berbasis Android 2024-10-12T21:12:03+07:00 Ifrah Ayyuna Nur Nadilla Anggita Dwi Inayah <p>The development of information and communication technology has brought changes in various aspects of life, including purchasing tickets. Currently, many tourist and entertainment attractions provide online ticket purchasing services to make it easier for visitors. This can also be applied to swimming pools, where visitors can buy swimming tickets online via the application. The online swimming ticket application offers several benefits for visitors and swimming pool managers. Visitors can buy tickets easily and at any time, without having to queue at the ticket purchase counter. Apart from that, this application can also provide information about ticket availability, swimming pool opening hours and ongoing promotions. For swimming pool managers, this application can help increase ticket sales efficiency.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ifrah Ayyuna, Nur Nadilla, Anggita Dwi Inayah Analisis Model Newcomb, One-Step Flow, dan Two-Step Flow dalam Proses Kampanye Digital Pilkada 2024 di Sumatera Utara 2024-12-03T21:41:08+07:00 Mulkan Darajat Silaen Syukur Kholil <p>This study aims to analyze the application of three communication models Newcomb, One-Step Flow, and Two-Step Flow in the 2024 Regional Election digital campaign in North Sumatra. The method used is a qualitative approach with literature review, collecting secondary data from various related literature. Newcomb's model emphasizes the importance of interpersonal relationships in political communication, where potential leaders and voters must have the same attitude to increase the effectiveness of campaign messages. Through social media, these interpersonal relationships are built through two-way interactions that strengthen voter trust and loyalty. The One-Step Flow model, on the other hand, focuses on delivering a direct message from a candidate to an audience without traditional intermediaries. The use of platforms such as Instagram and Twitter allows potential leaders to convey messages quickly and responsively, especially to young voters who are more active in digital media. However, this model faces challenges in the dissemination of misinformation or manipulation of public opinion. The Two-Step Flow model underlines the important role of opinion leaders, such as influencers and community leaders, in filtering and disseminating campaign messages. They act as intermediaries who are able to bridge communication between prospective leaders and voters, provide more personalized interpretations, and increase voter participation. The results show that the combination of these three communication models forms a more holistic and adaptive digital campaign strategy. The proper use of social media, strong interpersonal interaction, and the involvement of opinion leaders can increase the effectiveness of campaigns, political participation, and a positive image of prospective leaders. This strategy is relevant in facing the diverse demographic and cultural challenges in North Sumatra, as well as helping to build the legitimacy of the candidates in the eyes of the public.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Mulkan Darajat Silaen, Syukur Kholil Information System for Managing Incoming and Outgoing Mail at the Central Statistics Agency of West Sumba Regency 2024-10-18T09:56:04+07:00 Emilia Krista Bora Adelbertus Umbu Janga Alexander Adis <p>BPS West Sumba Regency still manages mail manually, facing issues of efficiency, transparency and accuracy. Manual processes risk document loss and recording errors. This research aims to identify problems and recommend an integrated information system. This innovation is expected to increase productivity, reduce errors, and speed up decision-making at BPS. Rapid Application Development (RAD) is a software development model that focuses on accelerating processing time. This approach combines object-oriented development methods and structured techniques to accelerate the process of creating a system or application. The research showed that the implementation of the new information system at BPS West Sumba Regency improved operational efficiency. Mail processing time dropped from 3 hours to 1 hour, and the error rate was reduced from 15% to 2%. User satisfaction increased from 60% to 90%, which had a positive impact on employee motivation. User satisfaction increased from 60% to 90%, which had a positive impact on employee motivation and collaboration. The system also strengthened and improved transparency.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Emilia Krista Bora, Adelbertus Umbu Janga, Alexander Adis Analisis Cluster Untuk Pemetaan Status Gizi Balita Puskesmas Lowokwaru Berdasarkan Antropometri 2024-10-16T14:57:02+07:00 Viry Puspaning Ramadhan Devita Maulina Putri Indra Dwi Laksana Dian Fitri Islamiah Munisah <p>This research examines the mapping of nutritional status in toddlers as an important indicator for assessing child health and development, focusing on the Lowokwaru Health Center in Malang. Data shows that the mapping of nutritional status is still not accurate, prompting this study to identify toddlers at risk of stunting and design appropriate interventions. Quick and accurate mapping of nutritional status is crucial for reducing the risk of stunting and preventing malnutrition in toddlers. The data used comes from anthropometric measurements, including height-for-age (HAZ), weight-for-height (WHZ), and weight-for-age (WAZ). The method applied is K-Means clustering, where, after preprocessing the data, the researchers determine the number of clusters and centroids. Grouping is conducted by calculating Euclidean distance. The results indicate that 75% of toddlers at the Lowokwaru Health Center are experiencing excess nutrition and are at risk of stunting. These findings provide a strong basis for enhancing interventions and preventing stunting in the region.</p> 2025-01-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Viry Puspaning Ramadhan, Devita Maulina Putri, Indra Dwi Laksana, Dian Fitri Islamiah Munisah Penerapan Algoritma FP-Growth untuk Strategi Penjualan Toko Kelontong Cipta Lestari 2024-10-23T07:03:53+07:00 Tarwoto Ahnaf Vanning AL-Haq Anindya Fidela Wini Audiana Zulfa Ummu Hani <p>This research uses the FP-Growth algorithm to identify sales patterns at the Cipta Lestari convenience store to support inventory management efficiency and marketing strategies. The data used in this research consists of daily sales transaction data that includes product types and the quantities sold. This analysis employs a support parameter of 0.95 and a confidence level of 0.8, with a maximum limit of 100,000 items. The results indicate that products such as Kchoco, sambal sauce, and tea 3350ml are often purchased together with Torabika coffee, soy sauce, and instant fried noodles. This combination pattern enables the store to create more effective product promotions and optimize inventory. The goal of this research is to develop business strategies that are more responsive to customer needs, enhance satisfaction with the right product offerings, and strengthen competitive marketing. This research is expected to contribute to the development of traditional marketing strategies and serve as a reference for analyzing consumer purchasing patterns in future studies.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Tarwoto, Ahnaf Vanning AL-Haq, Anindya Fidela, Wini Audiana, Zulfa Ummu Hani Model Jaringan VLAN pada Routing IS-IS untuk Pemerintah (Studi Kasus Dinas Pemerintah Kecamatan Bringin) 2024-10-30T01:48:28+07:00 Kelvin Arnando Indrastanti Ratna Widiasari <p>The current development of the internet network in the digital era has progressed very rapidly and has become a major need that cannot be abandoned, especially for the Bringin District Government Service which does not yet have a good network, so the exchange of information is less effective. Therefore, it is necessary to design a network with VLAN configuration on IS-IS routing, and carry out network simulation using GNS3. QoS testing is carried out by sending data packets using the ICMP protocol and counting the data sent. This research shows that the results of VLAN network testing on IS-IS routing at the Bringin District Government Service have optimal performance according to the TIPHON standard with 0% packet loss, 11.28 ms delay, 0.78 Mbit/s throughput, and 0 ms jitter.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Kelvin Arnando, Indrastanti Ratna Widiasari Integrasi Blockchain dan Keamanan Data untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi dan Transparansi Sistem Logistik Global 2024-10-22T15:53:51+07:00 Cheysha Restu Nabila Rissal Efendi <p>The global logistics system currently faces complex challenges related to efficiency and transparency. To address these issues, integrating blockchain and data security has emerged as a promising solution. Blockchain, the foundational technology behind cryptocurrencies, provides the capability to record, verify, and secure transactions in a decentralized and transparent manner. This study aims to analyze the potential of integrating blockchain and data security to enhance efficiency and transparency in global logistics systems. The research employs a literature review approach, examining relevant studies on blockchain and data security applications within the global logistics context. The findings indicate that blockchain integration in global logistics can facilitate a more efficient supply chain by enabling transparency, real-time validation, and enhanced monitoring of logistics activities. Additionally, encrypted data security can mitigate security risks and reduce fraud, providing better protection against cyberattacks and data manipulation.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Cheysha Restu Nabila, Rissal Efendi Perancangan Website Pemesanan Menggunakan Metode Waterfall Pada Cafe Ungu Universitas Amikom Purwokerto 2024-11-11T16:57:26+07:00 Az Zahra Dwi Nur Adiya Dea Lili Anggraeni Muhammad Akhmal Al Raidhan Tarwoto <p>The advancement of information technology has significantly transformed operational management in various sectors, including the culinary industry. Cafe Ungu at Universitas Amikom Purwokerto serves as a campus facility offering a variety of food and beverages to students, staff, and visitors. However, the conventional ordering method relying on direct interaction often leads to long queues and recording errors, hindering service effectiveness. To address this issue, this study designs a web-based ordering information system using the Waterfall method, encompassing the stages of requirements analysis, design, development, testing, and maintenance. The system is designed to allow customers to place orders online, assist administrators in managing orders, and provide transaction data for business analysis purposes. The implementation results indicate that this system can improve operational efficiency, reduce ordering errors, and enhance customer satisfaction. Therefore, this information system is expected to be a strategic solution for Cafe Ungu in addressing order management challenges in the digital era.</p> 2025-01-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Az Zahra Dwi Nur Adiya, Dea Lili Anggraeni, Muhammad Akhmal Al Raidhan, Tarwoto Prediksi Nilai Unburned Carbon Batubara yang Dihasilkan PLTU Menggunakan Algoritma Linear Regression, Random Forest, dan LightGBM Regression 2024-11-06T17:32:08+07:00 Muhyiddin Syarif Afiyati <p>This study focuses on predicting unburned carbon levels in coal-fired power plants to enhance operational efficiency. Accurate prediction of unburned carbon is crucial as it directly affects fuel combustion efficiency and environmental sustainability. The research compares three machine learning algorithms: Linear Regression, Random Forest, and LightGBM Regression, using performance metrics such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). The results show that LightGBM Regression performs the best, with MAE of 0.31, MAPE of 1.29, and RMSE of 0.38, outperforming the other two models. This model can be further optimized to improve prediction accuracy, contributing to more efficient and environmentally friendly power plant operations. The application of machine learning in this study supports data-driven decision-making in the energy sector.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Muhyiddin Syarif, Afiyati Analisis Sentimen Proyek Strategis Nasional Food Estate Menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression dan Support Vector Machine 2024-11-06T17:13:15+07:00 Yuning Rum Zattayu Mustopo Afiyati <p>The National Strategic Project Food Estate is an initiative by the Indonesian government aimed at enhancing food security through the development of large-scale agricultural areas. In the vice-presidential debate ahead of the 2024 election, Food Estate re-emerged as a hot topic, sparking controversy. Therefore, this study aims to analyze public perspectives on the National Strategic Project Food Estate by comparing the performance of machine learning algorithms, including Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine. This research also experiments with feature extraction techniques TF-IDF and Word2Vec. The results indicate that TF-IDF feature extraction performs better in capturing relevant features to enhance classification performance compared to the Word2Vec method. The best-performing algorithm is Logistic Regression + TF-IDF, achieving an accuracy of 74%, followed by SVM + TF-IDF and Naïve Bayes + TF-IDF with accuracies of 73% and 72%, respectively.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Yuning Rum Zattayu Mustopo, Afiyati Analisis Sentimen Ulasan Aplikasi Mobile JKN di Google PlayStore Menggunakan IndoBERT 2024-11-16T21:54:00+07:00 Tarwoto Rizki Nugroho Najmul Azka Wakhid Sayudha Rendra Graha <p>This research analyzes the sentiment of JKN mobile app reviews on Google PlayStore using the IndoBERT model, a deep learning-based language model designed for Indonesian text. The research process involved review data collection, text pre-processing, and sentiment classification into three categories: positive, negative, and neutral. The results show that the model performs very well, with an average accuracy of 97.28% and best metrics of 98.27% on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. The specific contribution of this research is the development of a deep learning-based approach for sentiment analysis of Indonesian texts, particularly in the health sector through mobile applications. The findings not only provide insight into user perceptions of the JKN app, but also provide a basis for feature improvements and service enhancements. The implications of this research can support developers in designing strategies to improve the quality of digital-based health services in Indonesia.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Tarwoto, Rizki Nugroho, Najmul Azka, Wakhid Sayudha Rendra Graha Arsitektur Enterprise Sistem Informasi E-Commerce untuk Pemasaran Hasil Pertanian 2024-11-11T20:06:35+07:00 Tarwoto Syawalia Rahayu Serli Zanela Anania Amanda Ayu Novitasari <p>This research aims to design enterprise architecture to support the implementation of e-commerce information systems in agricultural product marketing. By utilizing the Extreme Programming (XP) approach as a development method, this system is expected to facilitate the marketing of agricultural products directly between farmers and consumers, and overcome the problems in the long and inefficient distribution chain. The designed enterprise architecture coordinates various system components, including customer data, inventory management, transaction processes, logistics, and sales data reporting. The system consists of several main views, such as Home, Login, Register, and Chart pages, which are designed to facilitate user and farmer interaction in conducting transactions. With a flexible and adaptive approach, this research is expected to support the sustainability of the agricultural sector through an inclusive e-commerce system, increase the accessibility of agricultural product marketing, and empower farmers economically.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Tarwoto, Syawalia Rahayu, Serli, Zanela Anania, Amanda Ayu Novitasari Optimasi Website Sampurna Berkah dengan Framework Scrum Menggunakan Metode Agile untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan 2024-11-05T21:41:46+07:00 Aniec Anafisah Pratiwi Adhim Tanfitra Bibit Waluyo Umar Abdul Abid Tarwoto <p>Waste management has become a complex national issue in Indonesia, driven by population growth, economic expansion, and shifting consumption patterns. The Sampurna Berkah website, owned by Sidapurna Village, Dukuhturi District, Tegal Regency, was created to support an environmentally conscious community focused on recycling non-biodegradable waste. To effectively develop the information system for this website, an agile approach is essential. The Scrum framework is employed to enhance transparency, communication, documentation, and adaptability to change. This study aims to optimize the Sampurna Berkah website, which has existing issues such as a confusing user interface, unsuitable color combinations, and lack of responsiveness. Using the Agile Scrum method, stages like Product Backlog, Sprint Planning, Sprint Backlog, Daily Scrum, and Sprint Review were implemented. The optimization results show significant improvements, including a more user-friendly interface, better website responsiveness, and more visually pleasing color combinations, achieving the main development objectives.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Aniec Anafisah Pratiwi, Adhim Tanfitra, Bibit Waluyo, Umar Abdul Abid, Tarwoto Pengaruh Artificial Intelligence Berbasis Chat terhadap Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Penyelesaian Masalah Pembelajaran di Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi 2024-11-07T20:52:15+07:00 Erinna Angruningrum Anak Agung Ayu Meitridwiastiti Muhammad Ahyar Pratama Luh Putu Rika Utami Dewa Ayu Dinar Kartika Ameria Kadek Prema Sadhana Putra <p>This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the scope of higher education and to see how important the role of artificial intelligence (AI) is in solving problems in the university environment. The research will involve surveys and interviews with individuals who have experience in the application of AI in college. This research will also use the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) method as a direction in making a question survey that will be disseminated to respondents. The goal of this study is to provide a better understanding of how quickly and effectively AI can solve problems in a college environment. This study will use qualitative and quantitative approaches, where the results of the research will be explained qualitatively through interviews and quantitatively through statistical analysis of Simple Linear Regression from the results of the respondents.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Erinna Angruningrum, Anak Agung Ayu Meitridwiastiti, Muhammad Ahyar Pratama, Luh Putu Rika Utami, Dewa Ayu Dinar Kartika Ameria, Kadek Prema Sadhana Putra Dinamika Regulasi Komunikasi Publik dalam Sistem Sosial: Perspektif Autopoiesis Luhmann 2024-12-03T21:45:05+07:00 Rudy Chandra Hasan Sazali <p>This study aims to analyze the dynamics of public communication regulation in the social system from the perspective of Luhmann's autopoiesis. This study uses a qualitative method with a library research approach. The data of this study is sourced from relevant literature. Data analysis is carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data in this study was carried out through a credibility test. The results of this study show that in the dynamics of public communication regulation in the social system based on Luhmann's autopoiesis perspective, public communication regulation functions to maintain a balance between information disclosure, control, and system adaptability to rapid social change. Luhmann emphasized that public communication systems must continue to produce and reproduce elements that ensure their functions continue to function, such as transparency, trust, and responsiveness. Adaptive regulations allow the government to interact effectively with the public, especially in the digital era which presents challenges such as misinformation, disinformation, and rapid information flow. Cross-sector collaboration and regulatory flexibility are needed to maintain social stability and strengthen the relationship between the government and society, with information disclosure as a key pillar. However, the regulation must also include privacy protection and control over the spread of invalid information, so that public communication systems remain relevant, accountable, and able to adapt to evolving social dynamics.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Rudy Chandra, Hasan Sazali Desain Jaringan Fiber to The Home di Desa Butuh Kidul 2024-11-21T14:34:25+07:00 Imana Yoga Prastowo Sri Yulianto <p>This study aims to design a Fiber to the Home (FTTH) network in Butuh Kidul Village, Tengaran District, Semarang Regency. In today's digital era, access to fast and stable internet is a fundamental need for communities. However, many rural areas in Indonesia, including Butuh Kidul Village, still lack adequate internet access. FTTH networks provide a solution by utilizing fiber optic cables that can transmit data at high speeds and with large bandwidth capacity. This research employs the Passive Optical Network (PON) method as the network architecture to enhance efficiency and scalability. The expected outcome is that the local community will benefit from improved internet access, supporting digital village programs and enhancing the quality of life and economic potential. This research is anticipated to serve as a reference for similar network developments in other rural areas.</p> 2025-01-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Imana Yoga Prastowo, Sri Yulianto Transformasi Layanan Pariwisata melalui Aplikasi Layanan Penyedia Tour guide Berbasis Android 2024-11-21T04:00:09+07:00 Yoga Tandean Evi Yulianingsih <p>Tourism is a strategic sector for the Indonesian government to increase domestic and regional income and create jobs. With the development of digital technology, transformation in the tourism industry is crucial to strengthen global competitiveness. This study focuses on the development of an Android-based tour guide service application as a solution to transform tourism services in Indonesia. Currently, the tour guide system in Indonesia is still manual and not standardized, which raises concerns about the quality and security of the service. This application aims to provide a list of licensed tour guides, allow the selection of tour packages according to preferences, and increase transparency through the rating feature. The Extreme Programming (XP) method is used in the development of this system to be responsive to changes in user needs. This research is expected to facilitate the search and rental of tour guide services, improve service quality, support the growth of more organized local tourism, and support the transformation of tourism services in Indonesia.</p> 2025-01-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Yoga Tandean, Evi Yulianingsih Implementasi Bimbingan Moralitas Yayasan Rumah Impian Indonesia dalam Meningkatkan Resiliensi Anak Jalanan di Yogyakarta 2024-11-24T15:43:43+07:00 Alda Nurul Qotimah Lukman Hakim <p>This study aims to explore the implementation of moral guidance carried out by the Indonesian Dream House Foundation in increasing the resilience of street children. Dream House empowers street children to transform into independent and caring individuals. One effort to improve morality in street children is through the presence of the Indonesian Dream House Foundation as an educational forum, especially in the field of street morals. This study is a study with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques through observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews with six (6) foster children and one (1) foundation administrator. The results of this study indicate that the Yogyakarta Dream House Foundation provides maximum moral guidance to foster children and has a positive impact felt by street children by including increasing morality and resilience as seen from their emotional and social development, foster children show diverse hopes and ideals, which reflect their aspirations for a better future.</p> 2025-01-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Alda Nurul Qotimah, Lukman Hakim Perancangan Enterprise Architecture Pada Rumah Sakit Umum Harapan Ibu Purbalingga Menggunakan Framework TOGAF 2024-11-20T19:18:19+07:00 Elsa Ayunda Pratiwi Annisa Suci Octavia Adinda Arininta Loysiana Falia Nur Afifah Tarwoto <p>The development of information technology (IT) is very important in improving the efficiency and quality of health services in public hospitals, such as RSU Harapan Ibu Purbalingga. The TOGAF framework (The Open Group Architecture Framework) offers a structured approach to designing, managing and implementing IT architecture. This research explores the application of TOGAF in IT infrastructure planning at RSU Harapan Ibu to improve operational efficiency and service quality. The methods used include IT requirements analysis, TOGAF-based architectural modeling, and architectural implementation evaluation. The research results show that implementing TOGAF can increase the speed of access to patient information and optimize hospital operations.</p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Elsa Ayunda Pratiwi, Annisa Suci Octavia, Adinda Arininta Loysiana, Falia Nur Afifah, Tarwoto Implementasi Metode Rapid Application Development dalam Pembuatan Aplikasi Bahasa Isyarat Bagi Penyandang Tunarungu Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus : SLB Negeri Benpasi Kefamenanu) 2024-10-25T14:17:06+07:00 Priska Vianey Bukifan Yasinta O. L Rema Risald Budiman Baso <p>Sign language applications are designed to facilitate deaf people in communicating. Deaf people experience hearing impairment or loss of hearing function that is congenital or appears due to certain factors, such as infection or long-term exposure to loud noises. As a result of hearing limitations, they experience difficulties in speaking or hearing, so they are taught sign language in schools which makes it easier for them to communicate. Sign language is a means of communication that uses lip movements, body movements or facial expressions in order to convey communication messages quickly. Sign language applications are built using the RAD (Rapid Application Development) method because in the process of making applications, it can be done in a short and fast time and ensures adjustment of features from users. Android is used in the process of making this application, because of its wide use and easy access. This application provides a sign language translation feature in the form of videos so that it is easy to understand for deaf people.</p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Priska Vianey Bukifan, Yasinta O. L Rema, Risald, Budiman Baso Analisis Retorika Visual dan Sentimen Analisis pada Kampanye Ganjar Pranowo di dalam Video Adzan Magribh 2024-12-28T13:42:17+07:00 Gagas Ezhar Rahmayadi Deny Haryadi R. Bhima Danniswara Valentino Kenny Surjadi Netanel Danur Wendra <p>Campaigns are a form of communication used by politicians to gain support. According to theory, campaigns are persuasive communications aimed at changing the behavior of the communicant as the message recipient. The choice of media in conducting campaigns is an important factor. The role of media will strengthen the communication concept so that the message conveyed can be interpreted according to the goal. In the 2024 presidential campaign, one of the presidential candidates, Ganjar Pranowo, used television advertisements, specifically the Maghrib call to prayer, as part of his campaign strategy. The method used in this research employs a qualitative approach. Visual Rhetoric Theory is used to interpret the message in the video. Additionally, supporting sentiment analysis theory is used to analyze the research subject, namely the public who have seen the video. Public responses were taken from social media comments. Thus, the results of the analysis from both theories are combined into one conclusion. The result is that Ganjar Pranowo made a fairly good impression, but it is not perfect. There are still some errors in the video that raise questions about Ganjar Pranowo's credibility.</p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Gagas Ezhar Rahmayadi, Deny Haryadi, R. Bhima Danniswara, Valentino Kenny Surjadi, Netanel Danur Wendra Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 2024-12-24T22:49:07+07:00 M. Solehuddin <p>The advancement of information technology in the era of globalization has a significant impact on obtaining information, especially in the field of education. The right lesson plan must be made by educators as a supporter of success in advancing the education and learning process in schools. This study aims to apply the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in analyzing the extent to which the information system developed can be accepted by users and influence user behavior in using the information system for assessing the quality of the lesson plan. This study uses TAM as an analytical framework to evaluate the level of acceptance of the system and produces output in the form of how high the level of acceptance of the information system created. This study uses the construct variables are convenience, usefulness, and acceptance of IT to be analyzed using SmartPLS. The results obtained show that the convenience variable and the usefulness variable have a positive effect on IT acceptance.</p> 2025-01-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 M. Solehuddin Penerapan Data Mining untuk Klasterisasi Data Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means 2024-12-04T11:28:41+07:00 Widianto M. Rifqy Zakaria Irvan <p>To continue the development relay and fulfill the transition period until the simultaneous elections are held, it is necessary to prepare a Regional Development Plan (RPD) for regional heads whose terms of office end in 2022. The K-Means algorithm approach can be applied in analyzing the level of potential regional income and expenditure based on regional income and expenditure clusters that have results in the K-Means algorithm testing process, two clusters cluster 1 (C0) is a category of high spending potential consisting of and cluster 2 (C1) and is a low spending potential. The applied K-Means algorithm model has results that show a new insight, namely the grouping of regional income and expenditure budget data for the Tolikara Regency BPKAD based on 2 clusters has cluster results of 47 and 3. In analyzing the level of potential regional income and expenditure, the results of the test have centroid results 1 192973008, 16700000 and centroid results 2 7000000 and 225000000.</p> 2025-01-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Widianto, M. Rifqy Zakaria, Irvan Representasi Perempuan dalam Game Simulasi Kencan Picka: 30 Days to Love 2 2024-12-09T11:20:52+07:00 Virginia Swastika Abdul Firman Ashaf Purwanto Putra <p>Women in games are often portrayed with negative narratives. They are often cast as objects of lust through their physical appearance, and are taken for granted. However, dating simulation games provide a different perspective on women. This research aims to unravel how women are represented in dating simulation games, specifically in the game 30 Days to Love 2 which carries the concept of dating reality show. To analyze the phenomenon, this research uses Roland Barthes semiotics which reveals meaning through denotation and connotation signs. The results show that women in dating simulation games have been viewed more positively. However, female attributes such as appearance are still attached to gender stereotypes that emphasize beauty standards.</p> 2025-01-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Virginia Swastika, Abdul Firman Ashaf, Purwanto Putra Pemanfaatan Media Sosial TikTok sebagai Media Promosi untuk Pengenalan Industri Kuliner di Yogyakarta melalui Akun TikTok @makanandiyogya 2024-01-05T10:35:18+07:00 Harish Maulana Putra Choirul Fajri <p>The pandemic period has ended, but many culinary business actors and umkm actors who still have not risen from the downturn during the Covid-19 pandemic in Yogyakarta. Efforts that can be made by umkm players and culinary entrepreneurs are marketing products and introducing their products through social media. Based on this, Tiktok social media has the potential as an efficient promotional media on how to market umkm products in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Here is one Tiktok account that has content as a promotional media is the @makanandiyogya account. The methodology used is the constructivist paradigm which has the aim of gaining understanding, reconstructing qualitative research so as to get deep understanding result from individuals and the public. Tiktok is a short marketing media and Indonesia is the largest user of the Tiktok application, this application is easy able to hit trend developments, influenced by celebrities, Tiktok is also an interesting form of promotional marketing.</p> 2025-01-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Harish Maulana Putra, Choirul Fajri Pengaruh Terpaan Media TikTok dan Kampanye #CreatorContribution @Pandawaragroup terhadap Perilaku Peduli Lingkungan Pengikut 2024-12-16T10:29:20+07:00 Sabar Ernesto Sanchez Simamora Widyo Nugroho <p>This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of tiktok media exposure and the #creatorcontribution campaign on followers' environmental care behavior, and the theory used in this study is Social Cognitive Theory. The research method used in this research is the Quantitative method, by collecting data through a survey using a questionnaire filled out by randomly selected respondents. by distributing questionnaires to respondents who are followers of the Tiktok Pandawaragroup account, a minimum of 400 respondents were obtained which were calculated using the slovin formula, which was then processed using SPSS version 25. The results of the research obtained from 400 respondents show that there is a very strong influence between Tiktok Media Exposure and the #creatorcontribution Campaign made by Pandawara Group on the Environmental Care Behavior of its Followers, the results of the study indicate that there is an influence on Tiktok media exposure and the #creatorcontribution campaign from the Tiktok @pandawaragroup account has an influence on the environmental care behavior of its followers.</p> 2025-01-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Sabar Ernesto Sanchez Simamora, Widyo Nugroho Analisis Resepsi Penonton Mengenai Isu Kesehatan Mental pada Film “Sleep Call” 2024-12-01T16:54:07+07:00 Fadhilah Samudra Arsy Windri Saifuddin <p>This research wants to see how adult audiences accept the movie “Sleep Call” on mental health issues. Film is one of the important mass communication media to tell events or social issues that occur in everyday life. the purpose of this study is to determine the adult audience's acceptance of mental health issues in the film ''Sleep Call''. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research. This research is specifically more directed at using the reception analysis method, this aims to answer the question of how the audience in this study receives a message from the media and is interpreted based on different backgrounds, social, and culture.</p> 2025-01-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Fadhilah Samudra Arsy, Windri Saifuddin Pendekatan Machine Learning untuk Deteksi Stunting pada Balita Menggunakan K-Nearest Neighbors 2024-12-05T21:26:33+07:00 Ade Putra Tupu Djoru Sri Yulianto <p>Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem affecting the physical growth and cognitive development of toddlers, especially in early childhood. This study employs the K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) algorithm to determine stunting status based on anthropometric variables such as age, weight, and height. The algorithm categorizes data using proximity between samples. Data from the Salatiga City Health Department in 2024 were normalized and encoded for analysis. K-NN was chosen for its ability to provide high-accuracy nutritional classification. Results show that the algorithm achieved 100% accuracy, precision, and recall at certain K values, particularly in the small K range (2-8), demonstrating its effectiveness in identifying nutritional status in toddlers. This study is expected to serve as a reference for utilizing technology and data analysis in early stunting detection, aiding healthcare professionals in designing more targeted and effective interventions. Additionally, it opens opportunities for further development to enhance diagnostic accuracy using machine learning technology.</p> 2025-01-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ade Putra Tupu Djoru, Sri Yulianto Perancangan Prototipe Antarmuka Pengguna pada Aplikasi E-Commerce Pertanian Berbasis Mobile 2024-12-05T10:55:17+07:00 Diaz Agil Prasetyo Carissa Xyla Oxaveria Shinta Aulia Nicko Richardo Muhammad Reynaldi Dwi Saputra Rahmi Yulia Ningsih Chairani Putri Pratiwi <p>The use of e-commerce applications in the agricultural sector has not been optimized due to farmers' low understanding of technology and a less user-friendly interface design. This research aims to design a prototype mobile-based e-commerce application interface that suits the needs of farmers. The Design Thinking method is used to understand user needs and develop intuitive solutions. The results showed a friendly interface design for farmers with low digital literacy, thus supporting the adoption of e-commerce applications in the agricultural sector. This research contributes to the increased utilization of technology in the distribution of farm produce and helps improve the welfare of farmers.</p> 2025-01-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Diaz Agil Prasetyo, Carissa Xyla Oxaveria, Shinta Aulia, Nicko Richardo, Muhammad Reynaldi Dwi Saputra , Rahmi Yulia Ningsih, Chairani Putri Pratiwi Pengembangan Aplikasi Mobile untuk Pembukuan dan Kasir Usaha Laundry dengan Metode User-Centered Design 2024-12-06T22:37:03+07:00 Ricky Reza Ananda Syarif Hidayat <p>Laundromat is a general business that can be found around where we live, this kind of business is also part of micro, small and medium enterprise. On the operation of a business should include a bookkeeping process that usefull for monitoring financial flow from the business itself. As the technology advances, the bookkeeping process can be done within our smartphone. Therefore the goal of this study is to make a mobile application called LaPlus for the bookkeeping process and also include POS system. User centered design is a method that will be used on this study because the users is our main focus to make a good application that satisfy the users need. With the result of 89% success rate on the usability testing its shows the product design is easily understood and accepted by its users.</p> 2025-01-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ricky Reza Ananda, Syarif Hidayat Business Process Reengineering pada CV. Pustaka Grafika Malang 2024-12-05T22:36:10+07:00 Rayhan Putra Fajar Ilyas Nuryasin <p>CV. Pustaka Grafika is a book printing company that serves both individual and educational institution orders. The company's supervision and production processes are currently conducted manually. This often results in unavoidable waiting times for each team. This research aims to enhance operational efficiency at CV. Pustaka Grafika by applying the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) methodology. The pre-existing business processes were analyzed for their efficiency through a throughput efficiency test. A recommended business process was then developed based on the previous process and subjected to a throughput efficiency test. This BPR research resulted in a throughput efficiency of 93.9%, compared to the previous 49.46%. The recommended business process demonstrated a 44.44% improvement over the initial process. By leveraging advancements in technology and information, a website can be utilized to support the digitalization and automation of the recommended business processes at CV. Pustaka Grafika. This study is limited to UI/UX design recommendations using Figma and a limited evaluation of the design's performance, excluding technical implementation or extensive user testing.</p> 2025-01-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Rayhan Putra Fajar, Ilyas Nuryasin