Evaluasi e-Tracer Study menggunakan HOT (Human-Organization-Technology) Fit Model

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Rizaldi Akbar
Mukhtar Mukhtar


Tracer Study is one of the methods used by several universities, especially in Indonesia to get feedback from alumni. Along with the development of AMIK Indonesia's e-Tracer Study, it needs to be evaluated for use by students and alumni. Evaluation of Tracer Study from the usability aspect can be done to find out a system that can be used by users in the effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. One method that can be used to conduct observation and evaluation is the HOT (Human-Organization-Technology) Fit Model. The method in this study consisted of three stages namely; 1) literature review, 2) discuss theories about information system evaluation models and fit, and 3) analysis and identification of models, and data analysis tools used are SPSS and SmartPLS. From the results of the current research achievements, it can be concluded that in theory, this study has added a reference to the use of the HOT-FIT model for subsequent researchers or other parties in understanding the measurement of the successful implementation of the system, it can be used as a material consideration for the student sector as the manager of the e-system -Tracer Study. There is a deletion of 1 deleted indicator, the LO3 indicator. From 12 hypotheses there are 3 rejected hypotheses, namely IQ → STR, IQ → SU, and LO → NB. the relationship between variables IQ → STR, IQ → SU, and LO → NB did not have a significant effect, based on data analyzed from 124 respondents, 79% stated they use of e-Tracer Study felt very good, 11% felt quite good, and 10% feeling unwell.


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Akbar, R., & Mukhtar, M. (2019). Evaluasi e-Tracer Study menggunakan HOT (Human-Organization-Technology) Fit Model. Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi), 3(2), 46–51. https://doi.org/10.35870/jtik.v3i2.86
Computer & Communication Science


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