The Influence of Price, Product Quality and Promotion on Customers Purchase Intention of Pasteurized Milk Products

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Frans Sudirjo
Tengku Kespandiar
Agus Nurofik
Septianti Permatasari Palembang
Miranti Pradipta Utami


This study uses the multiple linear regression method using the SPSS 20 application. Results of the equation Y = - 5.130 + 0.249X1 + 0.747X2 + 0.409X3 for multiple linear regression. There is a partial effect of product quality (X1) on consumer buying interest, according to the findings of the t-test on the product quality variable (X1) (t-count value of 5.220 > t-table value of 1.992). (Y). There is a somewhat significant influence of promotion on consumer buying interest, as indicated by the promotion variable's (X2) t-count value of 7,379 > t-table 1,992. (Y). There is a relationship between the price of pasteurized milk and consumer purchasing interest, as indicated by the price variable (X3) having a t-count value of 2,304 > t-table 1,992. (Y). Partly, and the results of the F test show that there is an effect of product quality (X1), promotion (X2), and price (X3) of milk on consumer buying interest (Y) at the same time (f-count value of 170.823 > f-table 2.73). (simultaneously).

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How to Cite
Sudirjo, F., Tengku Kespandiar, Agus Nurofik, Septianti Permatasari Palembang, & Miranti Pradipta Utami. (2023). The Influence of Price, Product Quality and Promotion on Customers Purchase Intention of Pasteurized Milk Products. JEMSI (Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, Dan Akuntansi), 9(3), 650–654.


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