International Journal Education and Computer Studies (IJECS) Vol. 2 No. 1 (May 2022) presents a diverse array of articles, showcasing the intersection of education and technology. May investigates "The Implementation of Independent Learning Activity Units," demonstrating how this approach within the Semester Credit System positively impacts learning achievement. Marina Alves Amorim provides insights into the "History of Internationalization of Studies in Brazil," offering a concise overview of Brazilian and foreign education. "Application of Business Model Canvas at Thirty-One Collection Boutique" by Lila Setiyani, Risnawati, and Evelyn Tjandra explores the practical use of the Business Model Canvas in a boutique context. Muhammad Furqan Rasyid compares facial expression recognition techniques in "LBPH, Fisherface, and PCA for Facial Expression Recognition of Kindergarten Students." Lastly, Gridnev Anatoly Nikolaevich highlights the significance of "Information and Communication Technology for the Successful Implementation of Education Managerial Functions." This edition serves as a valuable resource for those interested in the evolving landscape of education and technology integration.


Published: 2022-05-15