
Volume 8 No. 3 (2024) of Jurnal EMT KITA presents various empirical and theoretical studies covering a variety of topics in economics, management, and technology. This edition features research on the influence of market orientation and product innovation on the marketing performance of MSMEs, analysis of factors influencing the demand for broiler chickens, and the procedure for archive depreciation at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan. Other studies explore production forecasting strategies, tax management, and the impact of brand image on purchasing interest. In addition, there is an analysis related to the influence of fiscal decentralization on poverty, the quality of GoFood services, and the role of cooperatives in economic growth. These articles highlight the dynamics of economics and management in various sectors, providing important insights for practitioners and academics.

EMT KITA Journal Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): APRIL comprises a series of articles addressing various aspects of economics, management, and business. In this volume, several studies highlight the influence of factors such as work quality, motivation, and work effectiveness on productivity, as well as the impact of product features, promotion, and brand image on purchasing decisions. Additionally, there is analysis regarding the management of personal finances among students, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on housing financing in Islamic banks, and the evaluation of entrepreneurship programs in a polytechnic institute. Other articles discuss aspects such as consumer behavior, poverty, economic growth, and leadership development strategies within organizations. With diverse topics, this journal provides deep insights into the economic and management dynamics across various sectors during the relevant period.

Volume 8, Nomor 1 (Januari 2024) dari Jurnal EMT KITA menyajikan beragam penelitian terkini dalam berbagai bidang manajemen dan ekonomi. Jurnal ini juga mencakup isu-isu ekonomi makro, seperti analisis perkembangan penduduk miskin di Indonesia, strategi pemasaran di Lampung Barat, dan sektor basis serta penyerapan tenaga kerja di Kota Sungai Penuh. Selain itu, penelitian membahas aspek pendidikan, seperti pengaruh gaya mengajar guru terhadap hasil belajar siswa di Surabaya. Tidak hanya itu, Volume 8 juga membahas sektor keuangan, dengan penelitian tentang pengaruh return on asset terhadap harga saham dan analisis efektivitas penggunaan anggaran modal pada koperasi konsumen syariah. Dengan beragam topik ini, Jurnal EMT KITA Vol. 8 No. 1 menjadi sumber informasi yang kaya dan relevan bagi para akademisi, praktisi, dan peneliti di bidang ekonomi dan manajemen

Jurnal EMT KITA Vol. 7 No. 4 Oktober 2023 mengeksplorasi berbagai aspek manajemen dan ekonomi, menampilkan penelitian multidisiplin. Artikel mencakup pengaruh digital marketing, loyalitas pelanggan, dan efek Goldilock terhadap keputusan pembelian online di aplikasi Matahari. Selain itu, terdapat studi kasus tentang pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan di layanan komputer, analisis sistem pengendalian piutang pada perusahaan tertentu, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai. Para peneliti juga menyelidiki aspek keuangan seperti pengaruh likuiditas, profitabilitas, dan rasio utang terhadap efisiensi investasi. Artikel lainnya membahas dampak keputusan investasi, pendanaan, dan kebijakan dividen terhadap nilai perusahaan dalam sektor pertambangan di Indonesia. Jurnal ini merangkum beragam temuan penelitian yang memberikan wawasan mendalam terkait manajemen bisnis, keuangan, dan sumber daya manusia.

Jurnal EMT KITA Vol. 7 No. 3 (Juli 2023) berisi kumpulan artikel penelitian yang mencakup berbagai topik di bidang bisnis dan manajemen. Judul-judul penelitian ini mencakup pengaruh media sosial dan pendapat elektronik terhadap keputusan pembelian melalui citra merek di Point Coffee Bandung, pengaruh kualitas layanan elektronik terhadap kepercayaan pelanggan dan niat pembelian ulang di agensi perjalanan online, serta pengaruh kualitas produk, promosi, citra merek, dan kepercayaan merek terhadap keputusan pembelian di produk Geprek Bensu. Artikel-artikel lain dalam jurnal ini menyelidiki topik seperti kinerja karyawan, kewirausahaan, kepuasan pelanggan, kesulitan keuangan, dan dampak pandemi pada bisnis. Secara keseluruhan, jurnal ini memberikan wawasan berharga tentang isu-isu dan tren kontemporer di bidang bisnis dan manajemen.

Jurnal EMT KITA Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): APRIL 2023 berisi artikel-artikel mengenai manajemen risiko hukum di perbankan syariah, praktik keuangan sosial Islam, sistem informasi akuntansi, loyalitas karyawan, loyalitas pelanggan Go-Jek, dampak ekonomi wanprestasi debitur di Bank Perkreditan Rakyat, eksistensi produk garam darat, manajemen risiko bank wakaf, pengaruh budaya organisasi dan loyalitas karyawan, pengaruh harga, promosi, dan inovasi terhadap loyalitas pelanggan, serta pengaruh motivasi dan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai. Topik lainnya termasuk prediksi volume penyaluran air minum, pengaruh kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja terhadap employee engagement, pengaruh citra merek, kualitas produk, dan harga terhadap keputusan pembelian, serta pengaruh faktor pendapatan nelayan terhadap kemiskinan. Jurnal ini juga membahas topik seperti audit delay, manajemen usaha UKM, pengaruh promosi online dan brand image terhadap keputusan pembelian, dan pengaruh good corporate governance dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap manajemen laba.

Jurnal EMT KITA menghadirkan beragam artikel terkait bidang ekonomi, manajemen, dan teknologi. Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023) ini membahas topik seperti penerapan kontrak jual beli, strategi harga dalam pembelian konsumen, krisis ekonomi dalam perspektif Islam, analisis faktor produksi, strategi UMKM di era digital marketing, pengaruh content marketing pada customer engagement, belanja online di TikTok Shop, motivasi karyawan UMKM, pembangunan ekonomi dalam perspektif Islam, inovasi produk, kebijakan keuangan, media sosial Instagram dalam promosi, pemahaman akuntansi pada UMKM, kepuasan pasien BPJS, profitabilitas dan harga saham, faktor harga saham dengan dividen, kausalitas kebebasan sipil dan pertumbuhan ekonomi, pengangguran dan pertumbuhan ekonomi, penganggaran modal UMKM, kemampuan keuangan daerah, pengembangan kawasan wisata, diferensiasi produk Nissan, gaya hidup hedonisme, evaluasi kartu kredit, beban pajak pada profitabilitas, struktur modal dan pajak penghasilan, literasi ekonomi dan entrepreneurship, keterampilan kerja dan kinerja pegawai, organizational support dan job satisfaction, motivasi kunjungan ulang wisatawan, dan efektivitas manajemen pelayanan BAPPELITBANGDA.


The development of science related to economics, management, and technology both theoretically and empirically has been proven to have a positive impact on various aspects of people's lives. Economic development and management, for example, have provided many benefits for increasing effectiveness and efficiency in various economic activities. Likewise, technology can contribute to the ease of carrying out administrative tasks both government and non-government institutions. Until now, research related to economics, management, and technology has been carried out by academics, practitioners and researchers who care about the field of science. But not all research results can be published in scientific journals. The presence of the Journal EMT KITA does not only intend to publish the results of empirical and theoretical studies relating to managerial economics and technology. But more than that, EMT is one way to disseminate research results related to the three fields of science. Volume 6 Number 2 contains interesting research results that are read and known about studies taking place in the community in Indonesia.


The development of science related to economics, management, and technology both theoretically and empirically has been proven to have a positive impact on various aspects of people's lives. Economic development and management, for example, have provided many benefits for increasing effectiveness and efficiency in various economic activities. Likewise, technology can contribute to the ease of carrying out administrative tasks both government and non-government institutions. Until now, research related to economics, management, and technology has been carried out by academics, practitioners and researchers who care about the field of science. But not all research results can be published in scientific journals. The presence of the Journal EMT KITA does not only intend to publish the results of empirical and theoretical studies relating to managerial economics and technology. But more than that, EMT is one way to disseminate research results related to the three fields of science. Volume 6 Number 1 contains interesting research results that are read and known about studies taking place in the community in Indonesia.




The development of science related to economics, management, and technology both theoretically and empirically has been proven to have a positive impact on various aspects of people's lives. Economic development and management, for example, have provided many benefits for increasing effectiveness and efficiency in various economic activities. Likewise, technology can contribute to the ease of carrying out administrative tasks both government and non-government institutions. Until now, research related to economics, management, and technology has been carried out by academics, practitioners and researchers who care about the field of science. But not all research results can be published in scientific journals. The presence of the Journal EMT KITA does not only intend to publish the results of empirical and theoretical studies relating to managerial economics and technology. But more than that, EMT is one way to disseminate research results related to the three fields of science. Volume 4 Number 2 contains interesting research results that are read and known about studies taking place in the community in Indonesia.


The development of science related to economics, management, and technology both theoretically and empirically has been proven to have a positive impact on various aspects of people's lives. Economic development and management, for example, have provided many benefits for increasing effectiveness and efficiency in various economic activities. Likewise, technology can contribute to the ease of carrying out administrative tasks both government and non-government institutions. Until now, research related to economics, management, and technology has been carried out by academics, practitioners and researchers who care about the field of science. But not all research results can be published in scientific journals. The presence of the Journal EMT KITA does not only intend to publish the results of empirical and theoretical studies relating to managerial economics and technology. But more than that, EMT is one way to disseminate research results related to the three fields of science. Volume 4 Number 1 contains interesting research results that are read and known about studies taking place in the community in Indonesia.


The development of science related to economics, management, and technology both theoretically and empirically has been proven to have a positive impact on various aspects of people's lives. Economic development and management, for example, have provided many benefits for increasing effectiveness and efficiency in various economic activities. Likewise, technology can contribute to the ease of carrying out administrative tasks both government and non-government institutions. Until now, research related to economics, management, and technology has been carried out by academics, practitioners and researchers who care about the field of science. But not all research results can be published in scientific journals. The presence of the Journal EMT KITA does not only intend to publish the results of empirical and theoretical studies relating to managerial economics and technology. But more than that, EMT is one way to disseminate research results related to the three fields of science. Volume 3 Number 1 contains interesting research results that are read and known about studies taking place in the community in India and Indonesia.


The development of science related to economics, management, and technology both theoretically and empirically has been proven to have a positive impact on various aspects of people's lives. Economic development and management, for example, have provided many benefits for increasing effectiveness and efficiency in various economic activities. Likewise, technology can contribute to the ease of carrying out administrative tasks both government and non-government institutions. Until now, research related to economics, management, and technology has been carried out by academics, practitioners, and researchers who care about the field of science. But not all research results can be published in scientific journals. The presence of the Jurnal Ekonomi Teknologi Manajemen (EMT)-KITA do not only intend to publish the results of empirical and theoretical studies relating to management economics and technology. But more than that, EMT is one way to disseminate research results related to the three fields of science. In Volume 3 Number 1 contains interesting research results read and known about studies taking place in the community in Indonesia and organizations in Aceh in particular.


The development of science related to economics, management and technology both theoretically and empirically has proven to have a positive impact on various aspects of people's lives. The development of economics and management for example has provided many benefits for increasing effectiveness and efficiency in various economic activities. Likewise, technology can contribute to the ease of carrying out administrative tasks both government and non-government institutions. Until now, research related to economics, management and sektretari has been done by academics, practitioners and researchers who are concerned with the field of science. But not all research results can be published in scientific journals. The presence of the Journal of Economics and Management Technology (EMT) does not only intend to publish the results of empirical and theoretical studies related to management economics and technology. But more than that, EMT is one of the means of disseminating research results relating to the three fields of science. In Volume 2 Number 2 contains interesting research results read and known about the studies that occurred in the community and organizations in Aceh especially.