<p><strong>Jurnal EMT KITA</strong>, e-ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1485315026" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2549-6204</a> and p-ISSN: <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1488038580" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2579-7972</a>, is a free and open-access journal published by the Lembaga Komunitas Informasi Teknologi Aceh (KITA), Indonesia. <strong>Jurnal EMT KITA</strong> is one of the scientific publications published by the KITA Institute. The purpose of this Journal is to support the theory and practice of development management in the dissemination of research findings in the field. This journal covers fields such as People's Knowledge and Management, Operations and Performance Management, Business Risk, Finance and Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Business and Strategic Marketing and Decision Making and Negotiation. Journal EMT KITA is published quarterly, releasing four issues per year. Every published article in Journal EMT KITA is assigned a digital object identifier (DOI), ensuring accessibility and robust linkage within the scholarly literature. With its broad scope and focus on relevant scientific research in development management, Journal EMT KITA serves as a valuable resource for academics, practitioners, and stakeholders across various related fields.</p> <p> To submit your article to Jurnal EMT KITA<strong> </strong>;</p> <ul> <li class="show">You have to <a class="label label-info" href="http://journal.lembagakita.org/index.php/emt/user/register">Register</a> or <a class="label label-success" href="http://journal.lembagakita.org/index.php/emt/login">Login</a> to submit your or.</li> <li class="show">You can access the manuscript format from the author guidelines.</li> <li class="show">Download <a class="label label-warning" href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tPAaaQUWvQDiL8A_lfneJXF_fkhECSyP" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Template (English)</a>, <a class="label label-warning" href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/11bGDcR8qZ1VzSGp5LjIkIQ0A_sgMXH3D/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Template (Indonesia)</a></li> </ul>Lembaga Otonom Lembaga Informasi dan Riset Indonesia (KITA INFO dan RISET) - Lembaga KITAen-USJurnal EMT KITA2579-7972<p>Authors retain copyright and grant the journal first publication rights. The work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution, allowing sharing with proper credit. Authors can distribute the work non-exclusively elsewhere with journal acknowledgment. They are encouraged to post their work online to facilitate exchanges and increase citations.</p>Peran Career Development Center (CDC) Upaya Pengembangan Mahasiswa di Universitas Wiralodra Indramayu
<p>A number of universities have established Career Development Centers (CDC) or career development units, designed to assist students in understanding career-related materials and making informed career decisions. In reality, not everyone has equal opportunities to secure a good and promising job. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people flock to find employment. Wiralodra University faces challenges due to the absence of CDC (Career Development Center) services, making it difficult for students to obtain the advice and materials needed to advance their professions. The Career Development Center (CDC) plays a crucial role in student development, primarily focusing on enhancing career readiness. CDC not only provides efficient, up-to-date job vacancy information but also aims to support the career development of students and alumni through counseling services, alumni experience sharing, and training to prepare them for the challenges of the job market. Evaluations conducted by CDC, based on criteria tailored to specific needs, have shown that this program has made a significant impact. Students involved with the CDC experience increased career readiness, quick access to relevant information, and build strong relationships with industries, all contributing to the comprehensive development of students in achieving their career goals</p>Meddy NurpratamaAgus YudiantoTaufansyah Firdaus
Copyright (c) 2025 Meddy Nurpratama, Agus Yudianto, Taufansyah Firdaus
2025-01-012025-01-019111210.35870/emt.v9i1.2851Hubungan Teknologi Informasi dan Formulasi Strategi Pemasaran Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi
<p>The relationship between Information Technology and marketing strategy formulation has a significant impact on organizational performance. In the current digital era, Information Technology plays and has a very important role in collecting, storing and analyzing consumer data more efficiently. This allows organizations to better understand consumer behavior, preferences and market trends in greater depth. Using the data collected, organizations can design more focused and personalized marketing strategies, identifying the right market segments to target. By wisely utilizing Information Technology in the formulation of marketing strategies, organizations can achieve competitive advantage and improve their performance in an increasingly changing and competitive market.</p>Nana Supriatna SonjayaAgus YudiantoMeddy Nurpratama
Copyright (c) 2025 Nana Supriatna Sonjaya, Agus Yudianto, Meddy Nurpratama
2025-01-012025-01-0191131810.35870/emt.v9i1.3014Customer Acquisition Strategy in Procurement Business (Case Study of CV SAS)
<p>The procurement industry is currently growing, this situation is driven by its vital role in business operations and spending decisions. This growth has created opportunities and intensified competition. CV SAS is one company that sees business opportunities in the procurement industry. CV SAS has established a sustainable business with reputable buyers, increasing revenue, and 18 procurement licenses across various industries. However, its reliance on a single customer poses significant risks, including dependency and limited diversification. To address this, CV SAS must focus on acquiring new customers to reduce risks, improve bargaining power, diversify revenue streams, and achieve stable growth. The company plans to use strategies like SWOT analysis and market segmentation internally, while also applying external tools like Porter’s Five Forces and buyer behavior analysis to understand and target potential customers effectively.</p>Asty FirdausyaNila Armelia Windasari
Copyright (c) 2025 Asty Firdausya Asty Firdausya, Nila Armelia Windasari
2025-01-012025-01-0191192910.35870/emt.v9i1.3348Analisis Pendapatan Kelompok Usaha Tani Kentang Mekar Jaya di Desa Sungai Lintang, Kecamatan Kayu Aro
<p>Penelitian ini menganalisis aspek ekonomi dari Kelompok Usaha Tani Mekar Jaya di Desa Sungai Lintang, Kecamatan Kayu Aro, yang berfokus pada biaya produksi, hasil panen, dan pendapatan yang diperoleh selama satu musim tanam. Metode yang digunakan meliputi pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total biaya produksi mencapai Rp. 337.098.166, dengan biaya tertinggi Rp. 17.237.333 dan terendah Rp. 7.202.500. Produksi total kentang mencapai 77.000 kg, dengan hasil tertinggi 3.500 kg dan terendah 2.000 kg. Pendapatan total kelompok tani tercatat sebesar Rp. 432.901.833, dengan pendapatan tertinggi Rp. 23.542.333 dan terendah Rp. 10.042.333. Temuan ini menunjukkan variasi yang signifikan dalam efisiensi dan hasil antara anggota kelompok tani, yang dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan luas lahan dan pengelolaan sumber daya.</p>Masrida ZasriatiDorris Yadewani
Copyright (c) 2025 Masrida Zasriati, Dorris Yadewani
2025-01-012025-01-0191303610.35870/emt.v9i1.3388Studi Komparasi Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Kompensasi Terhadap Loyalitas Karyawan PT. Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Unit Citeureup Antara Karyawan Generasi X dan Karyawan Generasi Y
<p>The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the work environment and compensation on employee loyalty at PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Citeureup Unit, with a comparison of generation X and generation Y employees. This study’s population consists of all employees of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Citeureup Unit, and the sample is drawn from that population using the purposive sampling method. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression, with work environment and compensation as independent variables and employee loyalty as the dependent variable. Using 340 respondents, the study found that work environment and compensation variables have a positive and significant impact on employee loyalty at the PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Citeureup unit, for both generation X and generation Y. Work environment variables have a greater influence on loyalty for generation X compared to generation Y, while the compensation variable has a greater influence on loyalty for generation Y than generation X.</p>Endang RusdianaIsbandriyati MutmainahMulyana Gustira Putra
Copyright (c) 2025 Endang Rusdiana, Isbandriyati Mutmainah, Mulyana Gustira Putra
2025-01-012025-01-0191374510.35870/emt.v9i1.2235Pengaruh Perilaku Keuangan dan Financial Management terhadap Financial Sustainability pada Generasi Z dan Millenial di Kabupaten Bungo
<p>Financial literacy is closely linked to financial management, with increased financial literacy contributing to better personal financial management skills. Personal financial management involves the application of financial principles in individual financial management. Effective financial management, including planning and overseeing financial activities, is crucial for achieving financial stability and economic sustainability. Previous studies indicate that many individuals, particularly Generation Z and Millennials, neglect financial planning and long-term well-being. Without proper financial management, they often face financial difficulties, such as income loss and insufficient emergency funds, which can negatively impact their quality of life. This study involved 100 respondents selected using purposive sampling, with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) employed to analyze the relationships between the inner and outer models.</p>Syah Amin AlbadryWidya PratiwiSasmita RusnainiNanik IstianingsihNana Timorida GonjalesSiti Alfiyah
Copyright (c) 2025 Syah Amin Albadry, Widya Pratiwi, Sasmita Rusnaini, Nanik Istianingsih, Nana Timorida Gonjales, Siti Alfiyah
2025-01-012025-01-0191465410.35870/emt.v9i1.3398Analysis of the Influence of Work Experience, Work Morale, and Working Period on Employee Productivity at the Birem Bayeun Sub-district Office, East Aceh
<p>Employee productivity is an important factor in achieving organizational goals, especially in the government sector. This study aims to analyze the influence of work experience, work morale, and working period on employee productivity at the Birem Bayeun Sub-district Office, East Aceh. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. Data analysis was carried out using the multiple linear regression method to determine the influence of each independent variable on the dependent variable. The results of the study show that work experience has a positive and significant influence on employee productivity, which shows that the more work experience an employee has, the higher the level of productivity. Work morale has also been proven to have a significant effect on productivity, where employees with high work morale are able to complete tasks more efficiently and effectively. Meanwhile, the length of service shows a more varied influence, where a longer period of service does not necessarily guarantee increased productivity, but rather depends on the quality of the employee's experience and adaptation to change. This study concludes that the combination of adequate work experience, high work morale, and productive work period is a key factor in improving employee performance. Recommendations were given to the Birem Bayeun Sub-district Office to provide relevant training and create a supportive work environment so that employee productivity can continue to be improved.</p>Ari ZuwandaSitti AminahTauviq RizaAdy Akmal ShiddiqYunita SilviaSri Gustina Pane
Copyright (c) 2025 Ari Zuwanda, Sitti Aminah, Tauviq Riza, Ady Akmal Shiddiq, Yunita Silvia, Sri Gustina Pane
2025-01-012025-01-0191556210.35870/emt.v9i1.3413Analisis Pengaruh Financial Literacy, Parent's Income, dan Emotional Intelligence terhadap Financial Behavior pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Esa Unggul
<p>The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of financial literacy, parent's income, and emotional intelligence on financial behavior among students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Esa Unggul University. This research is causal associative research and the type of data used is quantitative data. The population of this research is active students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Esa Unggul University. The research sample consisted of 100 people. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study show that partially analyzing the influence of financial literacy, parent's income, and emotional intelligence has positive and significant effect on financial behavior. The results of the simultaneous analysis show that financial literacy, parent's income, and emotional intelligence have positive and significant effect on financial behavior among students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Esa Unggul University.</p>YatiminTetty WidiyastutiAhmad Kamal Jama
Copyright (c) 2025 Yatimin, Tetty Widiyastuti, Ahmad Kamal Jama
2025-01-012025-01-0191637010.35870/emt.v9i1.3450Determinants of Employee Performance: A Study at Makhad Al-Jamiah IAIN Langsa
<p>This study aims to analyze the factors that affect employee performance at Makhad Al-Jamiah IAIN Langsa. Employee performance is a crucial element in supporting the achievement of organizational goals, especially in Islamic-based educational institutions. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method, involving 110 employees as respondents. Data was collected through questionnaires that included variables such as competence, motivation, leadership, work environment, and career development. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive statistical methods and multiple regression to determine the influence of each factor on employee performance. The results of the study show that employee competence has a significant influence on performance, where the improvement of skills and work knowledge is directly correlated with productivity. Motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, is also the dominant factor that determines the extent to which employees are willing to make the best contribution. Transformational leadership has been proven to be able to create a conducive work environment, increase morale, and encourage innovation. In addition, facilities and support in the work environment play an important role in ensuring employee comfort and efficiency. Career development through training and job guidance has a positive impact on loyalty and performance.</p>Muhammad AsranSyahwin HarahapMarwan FauziMhd FranandaAvelina Anindtya BernadinEfendi Sadli
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Asran, Syahwin Harahap, Marwan Fauzi, Mhd Frananda, Avelina Anindtya Bernadin, Efendi Sadli
2025-01-012025-01-0191717710.35870/emt.v9i1.3414Pengaruh Belanja Modal Dana Perimbangan dan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara Tahun 2019-2022
<p>This research aims to determine the influence of capital expenditure, balancing funds and local original income on regional financial performance. The population in this research is 33 Regencies/Cities in North Sumatra Province which have data on the realization of the Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for the 2019-2022 period. The amount of expenditure for each region varies according to the size of region and regoinal needs. The data is processed using panel data regression. The result of the research show that capital expenditure has a positive and significant effect on regional financial performance, balancing funds have a negative and significant effect on regional financial performance,, and local original income has a positive and significant effect on regional financial performance in Sumatera Utara Province.</p>Anggi JuwitaKhairita Hasbi
Copyright (c) 2025 Anggi Juwita, Khairita Hasbi
2025-01-012025-01-0191788610.35870/emt.v9i1.3315The Impact of Job Satisfaction, Welfare, and Visionary Leadership on Employee Organizational Commitment at Teuku Umar Aceh Jaya Regional General Hospital
<p>This study aims to analyze the impact of job satisfaction, welfare, and visionary leadership on employee organizational commitment at the Teuku Umar Aceh Jaya Regional General Hospital (RSUD). Organizational commitment is a key factor in improving individual and institutional performance, especially in the health service sector. Employee job satisfaction and well-being play an important role in creating a supportive work environment, while visionary leadership can provide strategic direction that motivates employees to achieve organizational goals. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to 100 employees of Teuku Umar Hospital, which was selected using a stratification sampling technique. Data analysis was carried out using multiple regression to test the influence of each independent variable on the dependent variable. The results of the study show that job satisfaction, welfare, and visionary leadership have a significant effect simultaneously or partially on employee organizational commitment. Visionary leadership has the greatest influence, followed by job satisfaction and well-being. These findings underscore the importance of leadership that inspires a shared vision and the need to improve job satisfaction and well-being to strengthen employee commitment to the organization. The recommendations of this research include the development of visionary leadership training programs, improvement of work facilities, and the preparation of welfare policies oriented to employee needs. This research contributes to understanding the factors that affect organizational commitment in the health service sector and can be a reference for policymakers in an effort to improve the quality of hospital services.</p>SalawatiRisma Agustina SidaurukIrsyad Praja Fahmi RitongaZulfadly Alhabsyi RitongaAhmad FahmiNilawati Nasti
Copyright (c) 2025 Salawati, Risma Agustina Sidauruk, Irsyad Praja Fahmi Ritonga, Zulfadly Alhabsyi Ritonga, Ahmad Fahmi, Nilawati Nasti
2025-01-012025-01-0191879510.35870/emt.v9i1.3415Penerapan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kinerja (SiManja) pada Bidang Penyimpanan, Pengolahan, dan Pelestarian Bahan Perpustakaan di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Arsip Aceh
<p>This study aims to examine the implementation of SiManja in the field of storage, processing, and preservation of library materials at the Aceh Library and Archives Service. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, with data obtained through interviews with 10 employees, field observations, and internal document analysis. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of SiManja helps improve employee discipline by filling in Employee Performance Targets (SKP) more systematically and organized. However, some technical obstacles such as difficulty understanding the application are still found. With continuous training and simpler guidance, the effectiveness of the system can be further improved.</p>Zahriatul AiniNailaturrahmiAbdul RahmanSyarifah Raihannatul Jannah
Copyright (c) 2025 Zahriatul Aini, Nailaturrahmi, Abdul Rahman, Syarifah Raihannatul Jannah
2025-01-012025-01-01919610210.35870/emt.v9i1.3397The Relationship Between Position Analysis, Career Development, Leadership and Employee Performance at BAPPEDA Aceh Tamiang
<p>This study aims to analyze the relationship between position analysis, career development, leadership, and employee performance at the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) of Aceh Tamiang Regency. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. Data was obtained through a questionnaire distributed to BAPPEDA Aceh Tamiang employees, with a sample of 100 respondents selected by purposive sampling. The variables studied include job title analysis, career development, leadership, and employee performance. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression to test the relationship between variables. The results of the study show that position analysis has a significant influence on employee performance, where the clarity of duties and responsibilities produced through position analysis is able to increase work efficiency and effectiveness. Career development also contributes positively to employee performance, especially through training and promotion programs that provide motivation and additional competencies to employees. In addition, effective leadership has proven to be an important factor in improving employee performance through providing direction, motivation, and example. Simultaneously, job title analysis, career development, and leadership make significant contributions to employee performance, suggesting that a combination of these three variables is necessary to achieve optimal performance. This research provides practical implications for the management of BAPPEDA Aceh Tamiang to continue to improve the position analysis system, design relevant career development programs, and build inspirational leadership to improve employee performance. This research also opens up opportunities for further studies that can deepen the understanding of other factors that affect employee performance in government organizations.</p>Ahmad RiduanRizky AzharyAl- Amin Hidayat MarpaungHildasari HutapeaSamsul Bahri HutagaolSupriadi
Copyright (c) 2025 Ahmad Riduan, Rizky Azhary, Al- Amin Hidayat Marpaung, Hildasari Hutapea, Samsul Bahri Hutagaol, Supriadi
2025-01-012025-01-019110311110.35870/emt.v9i1.3416Manajemen Kebijakan Pemerintah dalam Mewujudkan Wisata Islami di Pantai Kabupaten Aceh Timur
<p>Sharia Tourism refers to a form of tourism that adheres to Islamic principles, emphasizing not only the attractiveness of destinations but also ensuring management complies with Islamic guidelines. The development of sharia-based tourism has become an essential need for both national and global communities, significantly contributing to economic development. This study aims to analyze government policy management in developing Islamic tourism at the beaches of East Aceh Regency. A descriptive analytical method with a qualitative approach was employed to identify a model for local government policies. The findings reveal that while the cleanliness of the beaches is well-maintained, service management requires improvement, and visitors have not fully complied with sharia-based regulations. The East Aceh Regency Government has begun implementing regulations through the Islamic Law Office and Wilayatul Hisbah; however, a comprehensive policy framework is not yet established. Challenges include limited budgets, insufficient supervisory personnel, and low public awareness of Islamic tourism. Strategic efforts include socialization, evaluation, and strengthening collaboration among stakeholders to support the sustainable development of Islamic tourism.</p>IsmailMuliana
Copyright (c) 2025 Ismail, Muliana
2025-01-012025-01-019111211810.35870/emt.v9i1.3394The Role of Work Motivation, Professional Competence, and School Climate in Improving Teacher Performance at SMAN 1 Karang Baru Aceh Tamiang
<p><em>This research examines the impact of work motivation, professional competence, and school climate on teacher performance at SMAN 1 Karang Baru, Aceh Tamiang. Teacher performance plays a pivotal role in determining the quality of education, making it imperative to understand the factors that contribute to its enhancement. This study employs a quantitative approach, utilizing survey methods and multiple regression analysis to investigate these relationships. Data were gathered through a structured questionnaire distributed to 50 teachers, with responses analyzed for validity and reliability. The findings reveal that work motivation, professional competence, and school climate significantly influence teacher performance, with work motivation and professional competence exerting a more substantial effect compared to school climate. These results highlight the critical importance of fostering motivation through appropriate incentives, recognition, and career development opportunities. Similarly, the enhancement of professional competence through continuous training and pedagogical skill development is paramount. Although the school climate also plays a role, its impact is relatively moderate, suggesting that personal factors such as motivation and competence are more influential. The study underscores the necessity of targeted interventions to improve teacher performance, emphasizing strategies that enhance motivation and professional competence while cultivating a positive and supportive school environment. These findings are expected to inform policies aimed at advancing educational quality in schools</em><em>.</em></p>Syaiful Bahri LubisEko Prawira HutagalungAhmad AzwarCandra PasaribuDian Hardiansyah PasaribuMila Naerus
Copyright (c) 2025 Syaiful Bahri Lubis, Eko Prawira Hutagalung, Ahmad Azwar, Candra Pasaribu, Dian Hardiansyah Pasaribu, Mila Naerus
2025-01-012025-01-019111912610.35870/emt.v9i1.3417The Interaction of Corporate Governance, Growth, and Profitability on Earnings Quality: Firm Size as a Moderator
<p>Earnings quality is a critical aspect of financial reporting that garners significant attention from investors and other stakeholders. This study aims to examine the effects of corporate governance, growth, and profitability on earnings quality, with a focus on the moderating role of company size. The research targets cyclic and non-cyclic companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2023. Employing a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design, data from 180 companies (90 cyclic and 90 non-cyclic) were analyzed. The study utilized moderated regression analysis with SPSS version 26. The findings indicate that corporate governance, growth, and profitability have a significant positive impact on earnings quality. Company size significantly moderates the relationship between corporate governance and profitability with earnings quality but does not significantly moderate the relationship between growth and earnings quality. Moreover, no significant differences were identified between cyclic and non-cyclic companies regarding factors affecting earnings quality. These results reinforce the applicability of Agency Theory and Signal Theory in understanding earnings quality within the Indonesian capital market. The findings highlight the necessity of enhancing corporate governance frameworks and emphasizing sustainable growth and profitability to improve earnings quality. This study contributes substantially to the body of literature on earnings quality in emerging markets and lays the groundwork for future research in this domain.</p>Sapto HajiYudhistira AdwimurtiHani Fitria RahmaniAyi Mohamad Sudrajat
Copyright (c) 2025 Sapto Haji, Yudhistira Adwimurti, Hani Fitria Rahmani, Ayi Mohamad Sudrajat
2025-01-012025-01-019112713310.35870/emt.v9i1.3382Pengaruh Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Dinas Perumahan Rakyat dan Kawasan Permukiman Kabupaten Nias
<p>. Compensation is one of the important factors that influence employee behavior and performance. Higher compensation levels tend to improve employee welfare. This study aims to analyze the effect of compensation, which includes salary, allowances, and incentives, on employee performance at the Public Housing and Settlement Area Service of Nias Regency. The phenomena observed include decreased work motivation, decreased attendance discipline, and failure to achieve work targets. This study uses a quantitative approach with data analysis through SPSS software. The research sample consisted of 30 respondents who were all employees of the agency. The results of the analysis showed a significant effect between compensation and performance, where the validity test of variables X and Y showed a calculated r value of 0.742, higher than the r table of 0.361. The average compensation score was 6.42 and the average performance score was 7.24, both of which were included in the good category. In conclusion, compensation has a significant effect on employee performance, so that it can increase work motivation and productivity. These findings emphasize the importance of effective compensation management to support improved individual and organizational performance.</p>Bernada NdruruFatolosa HuluEduar BaeneIdarni Harefa
Copyright (c) 2025 Bernada Ndruru, Fatolosa Hulu, Eduar Baene, Idarni Harefa
2025-01-012025-01-019113414310.35870/emt.v9i1.3493Peramalan Inflasi di Indonesia Pasca Pemilu 2024 dengan Metode Time Series Double Exponential Smoothing
<p>Inflation is an increase in the prices of goods and services in a certain period whose growth is sought to remain low and stable for the sake of society's welfare. The aim of this research is to predict or predict the rate of inflation which will contribute to Indonesia economic uncertainty after the 2024 General Election. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the Bank Indonesia website. This research uses Indonesian monthly inflation data from 2015 to 2024. The data is analyzed using the Double Exponential Smoothing method. The results of the analysis showed that descriptive analysis of Indonesian inflation from 2015 fluctuated and continued to decline until in 2021 it reached 1.67% and increased in 2022 reaching 5.51% and continued to decline in the following year. Forecasting results using the Double Exponential Smoothing method continue to decline for December 2024 to April 2025 with a MAD error value of 0.3202. Inflation forecasting in Indonesia is expected to support interested parties in making policies to maintain country stability and control economic uncertainty after the election.</p>Khoirul AnwarRivaldo Kurniawan IryantoRifqah HarahapAsmah SinurayaMusran Munizu
Copyright (c) 2025 Khoirul Anwar, Rivaldo Kurniawan Iryanto, Rifqah Harahap, Asmah Sinuraya, Musran Munizu
2025-01-012025-01-019114415210.35870/emt.v9i1.3503Analisis Pengelolaan Modal Kerja dan Profitabilitas Usaha pada PT Maxis Paragon
<p>In the business world, capital and profitability are two crucial factors that affect the sustainability and growth of a company. Capital functions as a resource used to start and run a company's operations. This study aims to measure the level of PT. Maxis Paragon's ability to manage working capital to meet short-term obligations using the liquidity ratio, analyze the level of working capital turnover in operational activities through the activity ratio, and assess the effectiveness of working capital use in generating business profitability using the profitability ratio. The research method used is a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis. The results of the study indicate that the management of PT. Maxis Paragon's working capital during the 2019–2023 period experienced an unhealthy condition based on the analysis of the Current Ratio and Quick Ratio. The company needs to improve working capital management, especially in terms of inventory and receivables management, and identify the causes of the decline in performance in 2023. From an activity ratio perspective, the management of receivables and inventory during this period was considered poor, far below industry standards. Despite improvements in inventory management through 2022, performance declined again in 2023. In addition, profitability ratio analysis shows that the company's profitability, as measured by Net Income and Return on Equity (ROE), is at a low level. To increase returns to shareholders, an in-depth evaluation of the company's operations and financial strategy is needed.</p>Heri Melvin Sah PutraBawamenewiParlindungan F HuluNany Artatina Bu’uloloIdarni Harefa
Copyright (c) 2025 Heri Melvin Sah Putra, Bawamenewi, Parlindungan F Hulu, Nany Artatina Bu’ulolo, Idarni Harefa
2025-01-012025-01-019115316610.35870/emt.v9i1.3494Analisis Strategi Pemasaran dan Persaingan: Studi Kasus pada UMKM Pemasaran Elektronik "Toko William Elektrik" di Bandar Jaya, Lampung Tengah, Provinsi Lampung
<p>This research aims to assist businesses such as William Elektrik in increasing sales and competitiveness through more effective marketing strategies. With increasing demand, competition in the electronics business sector is also getting tougher. Therefore, businesses need to apply SWOT analysis to understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that exist in their business. This research uses a qualitative approach with interview, observation, and documentation methods. The results of interviews with business owners show significant achievements and strategies used to maintain business success. The conclusion of this study shows that William Elektrik in Bandar Jaya, Central Lampung, has the potential to improve its competitiveness and sales through the application of SWOT analysis. Their main strength lies in their strategic location and customer loyalty, while the biggest weakness is their high operational costs. Opportunities for expansion can be found in the development of e-commerce and technical services, while threats come from intensifying competition in the electronics sector. By understanding and managing these factors, William Elektrik can formulate more effective marketing strategies. The findings can also serve as a reference for other businesses in designing marketing strategies.</p>Syahril DaudGelliantaSherliana BelindaYeni Arinda
Copyright (c) 2025 Syahril Daud, Gellianta, Sherliana Belinda, Yeni Arinda
2025-01-012025-01-019116717610.35870/emt.v9i1.3477Pengaruh Kompensasi terhadap Kinerja Guru di SD Negeri 071078 Hiliweto Gido
<p>Teachers have a crucial role in improving the quality of education in educational institutions. As educators, teachers are responsible for carrying out their duties optimally to support the learning process. One of the factors that influences teacher performance is the reward for work results in the form of compensation, either in the form of salary, allowances, or other facilities. However, there are several obstacles, such as low additional income, honorary workers who have not received salaries, and minimal teaching quality due to limited compensation. This study aims to analyze the effect of compensation on teacher performance at SD Negeri 071078 Hiliweto Gido. The research method uses a quantitative approach with data analysis through SPSS version 26. The research sample consisted of 33 respondents, including all permanent teachers and honorary workers at the school. The results of the study showed a significant effect of compensation on teacher performance, with a calculated r value of 0.742, greater than the r table of 0.361. The average compensation score was 6.30 and performance was 7.16, both of which are in the good category. These findings indicate that compensation plays an important role in increasing teacher motivation and productivity in carrying out their duties.</p>Nita Ingati WaruwuFatolosa HuluOdaligoziduhu HalawaMaria Magdalena Bate’e
Copyright (c) 2025 Nita Ingati Waruwu, Fatolosa Hulu, Odaligoziduhu Halawa, Maria Magdalena Bate’e
2025-01-012025-01-019117718510.35870/emt.v9i1.3495Pengaruh Nilai Tukar dan Inflasi terhadap Financial Distress
<p>This research aims to analyze the effect of ROA, interest rates, inflation and exchange rates on financial distress in financial sector companies listed on the IDX for the 2019-2023 period. This research uses a quantitative method with regression analysis. The data source is from secondary data in the form of financial reports of financial sector companies listed on the IDX, through the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), namely (www.idx.co.id) for the 2019-2023 period. Determination of the sample was determined using the purposive sampling method. Purposive sampling is a research sampling technique by fulfilling certain elements. From the criteria that have been set, this study obtained a sample of 53 companies with a total sample for 5 observation periods totaling 265 samples. After all the data was obtained, it was then analyzed using the IBM SPSS statistics software program version 26, namely using the multiple linear regression analysis method. The results of the study showed that the exchange rate and inflation did not affect financial distress in financial sector companies listed on the IDX for the 2019-2023 period.</p>Loso JudijantoNi Luh Sili AntariAnggita Permata YakupFilus RaragaRevi Sesario
Copyright (c) 2025 Loso Judijanto, Ni Luh Sili Antari, Anggita Permata Yakup, Filus Raraga, Revi Sesario
2025-01-012025-01-019118619110.35870/emt.v9i1.3506Manajemen Pimpinan Dayah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru di Dayah Darussa'adah Teupin Raya
<p>This study aims to analyze the role of Dayah leadership management in improving teacher performance in Dayah Darussa'adah Teupin Raya. The main focus of this study is to identify the impact of leadership on teacher performance and the obstacles faced by teachers in improving the quality of learning. The research method used is a quantitative approach with a descriptive design, which involves interview techniques with leaders and the distribution of questionnaires to 20 teachers. The results of the study show that the influence of leadership on teacher performance in Dayah Darussa'adah is quite significant. The Islamic boarding school leadership has provided direction, training, and evaluation that helps improve the quality of teaching. However, there are several obstacles that affect the effectiveness of learning, namely the low professionalism of some teachers and the limitations of facilities and infrastructure. In addition, students' motivation is also disturbed due to a lack of encouragement from their families. This research contributes to the literature on leadership management in Islamic boarding schools, especially in the context of improving teacher performance, as well as providing recommendations for teacher professionalism development and improvement.</p>Abdul HadiZulfadliMuhammad YaniSamsul Ikhbar
Copyright (c) 2025 Abdul Hadi, Zulfadli, Muhammad Yani, Samsul Ikhbar
2025-01-012025-01-019119219910.35870/emt.v9i1.3439Menakar Dampak Literasi Keuangan Syariah, Islamic Branding Terhadap Minat Menjadi Nasabah
<p>The banking world currently dominates the economic growth of a country, both in developed and developing countries. The increasing industrial growth also occurs in the Indonesian Islamic banking industry. The purpose of the study was to see the effect of Islamic financial literacy, Islamic branding on the interest in becoming a customer of Bank Mega Syariah KC Mataram. This research uses a quantitative method with regression analysis. The sampling technique in this study is using purposive sampling. The sample used as the object of research is customers who have registered at Bank Syariah Indonesia, so that 55 respondents were obtained. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis with the SPSS 25 program. Based on the results of the analysis, Islamic financial literacy, Islamic branding partially influenced the interest in becoming a customer at Bank Mega Syariah KC Mataram. The results of the study obtained an R2 value of 0.876 (87.6%), this means that the interest in becoming a customer is influenced by Islamic financial literacy, Islamic branding by 87.6%, the remaining 12.4% is influenced by other factors outside this study.</p>Dwi Budi SrisulistiowatiSyarifudinErasmaRahmatya WidyaswatiMusdirwan
Copyright (c) 2025 Dwi Budi Srisulistiowati, Syarifudin, Erasma, Rahmatya Widyaswati, Musdirwan
2025-01-012025-01-019120020610.35870/emt.v9i1.3507Unraveling Firm Value Dynamics: The Moderating Role of Media Exposure in ESG, Leverage, and Capital Structure
<p>This study aims to analyze the effect of capital structure, leverage, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) on firm value, as well as the moderating role of media exposure in cyclical and non-cyclical companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2023. Using a quantitative research design with a cross-sectional approach, this study took a sample of 150 companies through a purposive sampling method. Data analysis was carried out using multiple linear regression with moderating variables. The results of the study indicate that capital structure and ESG have a significant positive effect on firm value, while leverage has a significant negative effect. Media exposure is proven to significantly moderate the relationship between all independent variables and firm value. These findings emphasize the importance of optimizing capital structure, prudent leverage management, and implementing good ESG practices in increasing firm value. The moderating role of media exposure highlights the importance of a company's communication strategy in shaping public and investor perceptions. The implications of this study provide valuable insights for company managers in making strategic decisions and for investors in evaluating investment prospects in the Indonesian capital market.</p>Mario Zulfa NasutionYudhistira AdwimurtiHani Fitria Rahmani
Copyright (c) 2025 Mario Zulfa Nasution, Yudhistira Adwimurti, Hani Fitria Rahmani
2025-01-102025-01-109120721210.35870/emt.v9i1.3383Implementasi Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Berbasis Prinsip Good Corporate Governance untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Pelayanan Publik pada Kantor Dispendukcapil Kota Surabaya
<p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of management control systems based on the principles of good corporate governance to improve public service performance at the Civil Registry and Civil Registration Office of Surabaya City. This research was conducted at the Civil Registry and Civil Registration Office located at Jl. Tunjungan No.1-3, Genteng, Kec. Genteng, Surabaya, East Java. The research is planned for 3 (three) months starting from May to July 2024. The type of approach in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection technique is through interviews. After collecting data in the above stages, the stages in the qualitative data processing technique according to Miles and Huberman. The conclusion of this study is that in implementing the Principles of Good Corporate Governance consisting of the values of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, fairness, and equality, the Civil Registry and Civil Registration Office in Surabaya City can improve its service performance by providing more responsive, efficient, fair, and equal services to all citizens. Transparency in procedures and policies provides easy access for the public, while accountability ensures that every action or decision can be accounted for. Employee responsibility and the independence of the Civil Registry and Civil Registration Office in Surabaya City ensure integrity and efficiency in service, while fairness and equality ensure that every individual is treated fairly without discrimination. By consistently applying these values, the Civil Registry and Civil Registration Office in Surabaya City can enhance public trust and provide more responsive, efficient, and quality services.</p>Yekti UtamiBonnie Soeherman
Copyright (c) 2025 Yekti Utami, Bonnie Soeherman
2025-01-102025-01-109121322210.35870/emt.v9i1.3479Strategi Pemasaran dalam Penerapan Digital Marketing pada Kewirausahaan UMKM Kuliner: Studi Kasus pada “Bakso dan Mie Ayam Mami Inung” di Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung
<p>Technological advances have brought significant changes in the business world, especially through digital marketing which provides great opportunities for UMKM to increase revenue and competitiveness. This research aims to analyze the digital marketing strategies implemented by UMKM “Bakso and Mie Ayam Mami Inung” in Bandar Lampung, with a focus on optimizing social media and e-commerce platforms. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods, involving in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis. The results show that digital marketing strategies such as the utilization of social media, delivery platforms, and collaboration with influencers can increase product visibility and accessibility. However, challenges such as lack of digital skills and fierce competition are still major obstacles. SWOT analysis identified a great opportunity in utilizing technology to reach a wider market. Implementation of strategies such as creative content creation, discount promotions, and marketing data analysis are recommended to improve business sustainability. This research provides insights for other UMKM in developing effective digital marketing strategies to improve competitiveness in the digital era.</p>Syahril DaudCindy MaxentiaClarissa Chandra PaoloFerdinand Tanuhardja
Copyright (c) 2025 Syahril Daud, Cindy Maxentia, Clarissa Chandra Paolo, Ferdinand Tanuhardja
2025-01-102025-01-109122322910.35870/emt.v9i1.3485Pelatihan Desain Logo untuk UMKM dan Crafting Manik-Manik bagi Anak SD di Kelurahan Pengantungan sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi dan Kreativitas Komunitas
<p>This service activity summarizes Community-Based Development (CBD) activities aimed at achieving economic empowerment of local community groups and increasing the capacity of individuals, groups or communities in managing resources and solving problems independently, thereby creating sustainable independence. This activity was carried out in Pengungangan Village, Ratu Samban District, with a focus on community empowerment training. This service activity aims to increase the capacity of MSMEs through logo design training as a strategic step to strengthen product branding, as well as develop creativity and entrepreneurial spirit in elementary school age children through bead crafting training. Implementation of activities involves various approaches, including observation, interviews, and active community participation. The results show an increase in participants' skills, both in making more professional logos and in producing handicrafts with economic value. Apart from that, this program has also succeeded in increasing public awareness of the importance of branding and entrepreneurship as an effort to empower the local economy. evaluation of the implementation of service activity programs, the MSME community is still in the advanced assistance stage, so there are challenges and limited access to technology and resources. Further assistance is carried out systematically via online. This program provides a significant positive impact on society. Recommendations include developing sustainable programs, increasing technological support, and strengthening product branding for the MSME community in Penganganan sub-district.</p>Dwi ListriyaniMerlen MutiyaMurtika AprianiSabrina YantiGilang RamadhanDiyas Widiarti
Copyright (c) 2025 Dwi Listriyani, Merlen Mutiya, Murtika Apriani, Sabrina Yanti, Gilang Ramadhan, Diyas Widiarti
2025-01-102025-01-109123023910.35870/emt.v9i1.3523Analisis Pengaruh Cash Ratio dan Claim Expense Ratio terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa di BEI Tahun 2020-2023 dengan Kebijakan Dividen sebagai Mediasi
<p>This study aims to analyze the effect of the cash ratio and claim expense ratio on the financial performance of life insurance companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2020–2023, with dividend policy as a mediating variable. This research employs a quantitative approach using path analysis techniques. The population of the study consists of life insurance companies listed on the IDX, with a sample of 18 companies selected through purposive sampling. Secondary data, including financial statements and annual reports, were obtained from the IDX website. The results indicate that: (1) the cash ratio has a significant and positive effect on the dividend payout ratio (DPR); (2) the claim expense ratio also has a significant and positive effect on DPR; (3) the cash ratio significantly and positively affects return on assets (ROA); (4) the claim expense ratio has a non-significant and negative effect on ROA; (5) DPR significantly and positively affects ROA; (6) DPR significantly mediates the effect of the cash ratio on ROA; and (7) DPR significantly mediates the effect of the claim expense ratio on ROA. This study provides theoretical implications by expanding the understanding of the interrelationship between financial variables in the life insurance sector and practical implications as a guide for financial managers in making decisions regarding the management of financial ratios and dividend policies. Future research is recommended to broaden the scope of industries studied and to consider alternative analytical methods to enrich research insights.</p>Pratiwi Nur HudaNicko Albart
Copyright (c) 2025 Pratiwi Nur Huda, Nicko Albart
2025-01-102025-01-109124024910.35870/emt.v9i1.3412Analisis Penerapan Good Government Governance pada Pengelolaan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa (Studi Kasus pada Desa Pematang Johar, Kabupaten Deli Serdang)
<p>This study aims to analyze the application of good government governance principles in the management of APBDes in Pematang Johar Village, Deli Serdang Regency starting from the planning, implementation, administration, as well as reporting and accountability stages. Researchers take three principles of good government governance which are used as variable indicators, including transparency, participation and accountability. The subjects in this study include the Chairman / Member of BPD, Village Head, Village Secretary and Treasurer, and community leaders of Pematang Johar Village. Research design is a guideline or procedure and technique in research planning that is useful as a guide for building strategies that produce research models. The research design conducted in this study is a qualitative method. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interview and documentation methods. The data analysis method used in this study is qualitative descriptive analysis. The result of this study is that the management of APBDes in Pematang Johar Village, Deli Serdang Regency is broadly in accordance with the principles of good government governance, namely transparency, participation and accountability.</p>Ferdy AldiansyahHenny Andriyani Wirananda
Copyright (c) 2025 Ferdy Aldiansyah, Henny Andriyani Wirananda
2025-01-102025-01-109125025710.35870/emt.v9i1.3566Strategi Mitigasi Pembiayaan Bermasalah pada BSI RFO Medan
<p>This study aims to explore and analyze the non-performing financing mitigation strategies implemented by Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Regional Finance Office (RFO) Medan. Using qualitative methods and case study approaches, this study explores the experiences and mitigation practices carried out by BSI management in handling non-performing financing. The data was obtained through in-depth interviews with managers and relevant officers at BSI RFO Medan as well as analysis of relevant documents. The main findings show that BSI RFO Medan implements various mitigation strategies which include financing restructuring efforts, stricter monitoring, and a personal approach with customers. However, challenges such as inconsistencies between the bank's internal policies and external conditions, as well as the low level of customer understanding of sharia financing, are obstacles to the effectiveness of the strategy. This study recommends the need to increase education to customers, improve the monitoring system, and strengthen communication between banks and customers to reduce the potential for non-performing financing in the future.</p>Muhammad Rizky MahviMuhammad Habibi Siregar
Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Rizky Mahvi, Muhammad Habibi Siregar
2025-01-102025-01-109125826810.35870/emt.v9i1.3563Pengaruh Perputaran Kas dan Perputaran Piutang terhadap Likuiditas Perusahaan Manufaktur Sektor Industri Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2020-2022
<p>The aim of this research is to determine the partial and simultaneous influence of cash turnover and receivables turnover on liquidity in food and beverage subsector manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020-2022. This research is quantitative research. The research sample used a purposive sampling method with a total of 30 samples. This research data analysis technique uses classical assumption testing methods, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results of the partial test value of cash turnover tcount 1.825 > ttable 1.703 significance 0.002 < 0.05. Partial test value of receivables turnover tcount 3.730 < ttable 1.703 significance 0.001 < 0.05 Simultaneously Fcount value 9.373 > Ftable 3.35 significance 0.000 < 0.05. The conclusion of the analysis results shows that cash turnover and receivables turnover partially and significantly influence the company's liquidity. Cash turnover and receivables turnover simultaneously and significantly influence the company's liquidity.</p>Rina SariHenny Andriyani Wirananda
Copyright (c) 2025 Rina Sari, Henny Andriyani Wirananda
2025-01-102025-01-109126927710.35870/emt.v9i1.3567Pengaruh Biaya Operasional terhadap Laba Bersih Perusahaan Manufaktur Sektor Industri Makanan dan Minuman yang Terdaftar di BEI Tahun 2020-2022
<p>The purpose of this study is to determine the partial and simultaneous effects of production costs, sales costs and other costs on net profit in food and beverage sub-sector manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020-2022. This research is a quantitative study. The research sample used a saturated sampling method with a total of 33 samples. The data analysis technique for this study used the classical assumption test method, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results of the partial test value of production costs tcount 13.608> ttable 1.699 significance 0.000 <0.05. The partial test value of sales costs tcount 1.765 <ttable 1.699 significance 0.001 <0.05 and the partial test value of other costs tcount -20.144 <ttable 1.699 significance 0.000 <0.05. Simultaneously, the Fcount value is 235.996 > Ftable 2.92, significance 0.000 < 0.05. The conclusion of the analysis results shows that production costs and sales costs partially have a significant effect on net sales, and other cost variables have a negative effect on the company's net profit. Production costs, sales costs and other costs simultaneously have a significant effect on net sales.</p>Sri HayatiHenny Andriyani Wirananda
Copyright (c) 2025 Sri Hayati, Henny Andriyani Wirananda
2025-01-102025-01-109127828610.35870/emt.v9i1.3568Implementasi Business Model Canvas (BMC) dalam Perencanaan Strategi Pemasaran Kewirausahaan UMKM (Studi pada “Citra Oleh-Oleh Lampung” di Bandar Lampung)
<p>This study aims to apply the Business Model Canvas (BMC) as a strategic tool in designing marketing strategies to increase the competitiveness and sales of Toko Citra Oleh-Oleh Lampung, an MSME engaged in the field of regional souvenirs. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and literature studies. Data analysis uses a thematic approach supported by SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the business. The results of the study show that the main elements in the BMC, such as Customer Segments, Value Propositions, and Channels, play a significant role in determining an effective marketing strategy. Lampung's typical products with local cultural values, distributed through physical and digital stores, and a focus on customer experience are the main advantages. However, the study also identified challenges, such as dependence on tourists and logistical constraints, which need to be addressed through product diversification, digital marketing optimization, and operational efficiency. This study provides a practical contribution to Toko Citra Oleh-Oleh Lampung in increasing its competitiveness in the local and national markets. In addition, the results of this study are expected to be a reference for other MSMEs in facing competition in the era of globalization. Suggestions for further research are to conduct a comparative study between MSMEs that implement BMC and those that do not, to show the effectiveness of this strategy in more depth.</p>Syahril DaudDhalvi Al AffanMuhammad Farel RachmanMuhammad Rizvy Al Fiqih
Copyright (c) 2025 Syahril Daud, Dhalvi Al Affan, Muhammad Farel Rachman, Muhammad Rizvy Al Fiqih
2025-01-102025-01-109128729710.35870/emt.v9i1.3542Pengaruh Penerimaan Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor, Denda Pajak, dan Bea Balik Nama Kendaraan Bermotor terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Deli Serdang
<p>The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Motor Vehicle Tax, Tax Fines and Motor Vehicle Transfer Fees on the Original Regional Income of Deli Serdang Regency, and to analyze the effect of Motor Vehicle Tax, Tax Fines and Motor Vehicle Transfer Fees together on the Original Regional Income of Deli Serdang Regency in 2019-2022 in monthly. The data collection technique used in this study was a documentation study. This study used multiple linear regression analysis methods. The results of the study showed that Motor Vehicle Tax had an effect on the Original Regional Income of Deli Serdang Regency, Tax Fines had a significant effect on the original regional income of Deli Serdang Regency and Motor Vehicle Transfer Fees had no effect on the Original Regional Income of Deli Serdang Regency. Motor Vehicle Tax, Tax Fines and Motor Vehicle Transfer Fees together had an effect on the Original Regional Income of Deli Serdang Regency. Motor Vehicle Tax, Tax Fines and Motor Vehicle Transfer Fees have a strong relationship to Regional Original Income, which is 0.814, or Motor Vehicle Tax, Tax Fines and Motor Vehicle Transfer Fees to Regional Original Income of Deli Serdang Regency, which is 81.4% while the remaining 18.6% is influenced by other factors not included in this study.</p>Sri JayantiHenny Andriyani Wirananda
Copyright (c) 2025 Sri Jayanti, Henny Andriyani Wirananda
2025-01-102025-01-109129830610.35870/emt.v9i1.3569Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penjualan UMKM Kuliner (Studi Kasus pada “Pecel Cik Meri 99” di Kecamatan Metro Pusat, Kota Metro, Provinsi Lampung)
<p>MSMEs play a vital part in the Indonesian economy, especially MSME Pecel Cik Meri 99, which is experiencing sales issues. To compete, MSMEs must evaluate several key variables, including product, price, location, and advertising. This study takes a quantitative approach, focussing on visitors to MSME Pecel Cik Meri 99. Because the population is unknown, the sample size is determined using the Lemeshow formula. According to the study's findings, product, price, and location had no substantial impact on sales volume. On the contrary, promotion has a favourable and considerable effect on sales, and product, price, location, and promotion all have an impact on sales at Warung Pecel Cik Meri 99.</p>Syahril DaudAkhmad DhaniCeline Viona HartonoNatalia Karolina Tarigan
Copyright (c) 2025 Syahril Daud, Akhmad Dhani, Celine Viona Hartono, Natalia Karolina Tarigan
2025-01-102025-01-109130731510.35870/emt.v9i1.3546Keputusan Berinvestasi Secara Digital di Siswa Sekolah Menengah
<p>Investment is an activity that can be undertaken by anyone. Recently, numerous investment models have emerged in the digital world. The variety of investment models requires individuals to be cautious in selecting the right investment. For students, understanding financial literacy is crucial to avoid making poor investment decisions. This study aims to identify students' knowledge about investments and determine the influence of financial literacy on investment decision-making. The research employs a quantitative method with 91 respondents. Data analysis includes validity tests, reliability tests, simple linear regression, t-tests, and F-tests. The results of the study indicate that the partial test (t-test) yielded a t-value of 3.350, exceeding the t-table value of 1.985, with a significance level of 0.000 (3.350 > 1.985 and 0.000 < 0.05), suggesting that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This indicates that financial literacy significantly influences investment decision-making. The simultaneous F-test shows that financial literacy has a positive simultaneous influence on investment decision-making, as indicated by an F-value of 13.476, exceeding the F-table value of 3.84, with a significance level of 0.000 (13.476 > 3.84 and 0.000 < 0.05). It can be concluded that financial literacy simultaneously influences investment decision-making.</p>Eka Nana SusantiMuhamad Alimudin
Copyright (c) 2025 Eka Nana Susanti, Muhamad Alimudin
2025-01-102025-01-109131632310.35870/emt.v9i1.3459Implementasi Manajemen Strategi Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Tbk, Cabang Banda Aceh dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Mutu Pelayanan Nasabah
<p>This research is titled "Implementation of Strategic Management of PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Tbk, Banda Aceh Branch in Improving the Quality of Customer Service. Along with the fierce competition in today's banking world, Islamic banking, especially Bank Syariah Indonesia, wants to provide the implementation of strategic management in improving the quality of service, especially in serving customer needs, with good service, customers and the public will feel satisfied and believe in what is important for the bank, the form of service provided includes receiving complaints or problems faced by a customer. Bank Syariah Indonesia must be good at finding solutions or strategic management in managing (solving) the problems faced by its customers. Based on the initial observations, this study was carried out by observation in general on PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Banda Aceh Branch. However, there are several obstacles that occur, including in terms of the lack of services carried out as seen from the existence of several operational networks of Bank Syariah Indonesia that have not been maximized, the level of independence, quality and quantity of some employees who are still problematic, which is marked by the failure of the data input system, transactions, which had occurred in the last year, this has an impact on the less effective service to customers by a small number of employees PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Banda Aceh Branch. Based on the phenomena that occur in the field, the objectives of this study are; "To find out the Strategic Management of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Tbk Peunayong Unit Banda Aceh Branch in improving the Quality of Customer Service by conducting a literature review through the literature of scientific papers, books and other literature that is relevant to the research.</p>Wahyuni HarahapZulianiIkhsan FajriA. HamidPutri Mauliza
Copyright (c) 2025 Wahyuni Harahap, Zuliani, Ikhsan Fajri, Hamid, Putri Mauliza
2025-01-102025-01-109132433310.35870/emt.v9i1.3599Pengaruh Demografi Terhadap Foreign Direct Investmen di Negara Asia Selatan
<p>This research aims to explore the influence of demographic factors on foreign direct investment (FDI) in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Through related data and literature, we identified that demographic factors such as the low-income population, children suffering from stunting, and low-educated residents can significantly impact FDI flows. This study provides valuable insights for policymakers and investors to understand the dynamics of investment in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. The research uses a quantitative method. Data on FDI, the low-income population, children suffering from stunting, and low-educated residents for India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh were obtained from the World Bank. The period covered is from 2015 to 2021. The results show that simultaneously, the low-income population, children suffering from stunting, and low-educated residents significantly affect economic growth, as indicated by a probability (F-statistic) of 0.000000, which is less than 0.05. Individually, the low-income population significantly influences economic growth, as shown by a probability of 0.0000, which is less than 0.05. However, children under five suffering from stunting do not affect economic growth, as indicated by a probability of 0.6023, which is greater than 0.05. Similarly, low-educated residents do not affect economic growth, as indicated by a probability of 0.0646, which is greater than 0.05.</p>Zainal Arifin H. MasriBambang Perkasa AlamJanuar Barkah
Copyright (c) 2025 Zainal Arifin H. Masri, Bambang Perkasa Alam, Januar Barkah
2025-01-102025-01-109133433910.35870/emt.v9i1.3602Analisis Manajemen Strategi dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Bisnis (Studi Kasus UMKM Dapoer Ibu Hayra)
<p>This study aims to analyze the strategic management applied by UMKM Dapoer Ibu Hayra in facing increasingly fierce business competition, as well as the formulation and selection of business competition strategies. This type of research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques used are interviews, observation and documentation to 3 informants, namely the owner, admin, and production department. By using the marketing mix concept from McCarthy, it results in UMKM Dapoer Ibu Hayra implementing an effective marketing mix strategy, including quality products with halal certification, competitive prices, diversification of distribution channels, and active promotion both online and offline. In analyzing business competition using Porter's five forces concept, UMKM Dapoer Ibu Hayra focuses on product innovation, service improvement, and effective digital marketing strategies. These strategies have successfully helped UMKM Dapoer Ibu Hayra overcome the threat of new entrants and maintain market share. This research provides insight into how UMKM Dapoer Ibu Hayra can utilize digital technology in marketing strategies, improve distribution efficiency, and strengthen customer relationships.</p>Citra DevitasariDefrizal Defrizal
Copyright (c) 2025 Citra Devitasari, Defrizal