Application of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method in Determining Employee Bonus (Case Study: PT. Wana Anugrah Albasindo)

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Regina Putri Wanda Zahirah
Nadia Ayu Isroh
Ade Prasetyo
Yohani Setiya Rafika Nur


The agency will provide a salary as compensation for an employee's work. In addition to providing a basic wage, each agency often provides salary bonuses however, PT. Wana Anugrah Albasindo has difficulty distributing rewards to employees based on the performance of their employees, so decision support is needed based on the performance of each employee. The research data used criteria such as Presence, Number of Overtime Hours, and Length of Work. Based on the results and discussion of this research, it can be concluded that the application of determining employee bonuses with the SAW method is beneficial for PT. Wana Anugrah Albasindo is more transparent in deciding employee bonuses at PT. Wana Anugrah Albasindo determines the weight value of each assessment criterion in the form of attendance with a percentage of 50%, the number of overtime hours at 30%, and the length of work at 20%.


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How to Cite
Zahirah, R. P. W., Nadia Ayu Isroh, Prasetyo, A., & Nur, Y. S. R. (2024). Application of Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method in Determining Employee Bonus (Case Study: PT. Wana Anugrah Albasindo). Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi), 8(1), 228–237.
Computer & Communication Science
Author Biographies

Regina Putri Wanda Zahirah, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto

Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Nadia Ayu Isroh, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto

Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Ade Prasetyo, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto

Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia

Yohani Setiya Rafika Nur, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto

Informatics Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia


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